Formalisation de l’union au Cameroun : vers une quête du trésor conjugal ?

En Afrique, le mariage est traditionnel, religieux ou civil, à côté de ces formes d’union subsiste l’union consensuelle. Au Cameroun, on assiste à une montée des unions libres, pour ce qui est des femmes âgées de 15-34 ans, 15 % sont en union libre en 1991 (EDS 1991), 31,45 % en 1998 (EDS 1998), et 38,94 % en 2004 (EDS 2004). Pendant cette période, les femmes sont restées à la traine par rapport aux hommes. On se demande si le statut socio-économique des conjoints n’est pas à la base de la non formalisation de l’union au Cameroun. En d’autres termes, quel est l’effet du statut socio-économique des conjoints sur la non formalisation de l’union au Cameroun ? Comment ce statut socio-économique des conjoints a-t-il influencé la formalisation des unions au Cameroun entre 1991 et 2004 ?

Cet article a pour objectifs, de déterminer les caractéristiques des femmes selon le caractère formel de l’union; de cerner la relation entre le statut socio-économique des conjoints et la formalisation de l’union au Cameroun, et son évolution entre 1991 et 2004.
A l’aide des données des EDS 1991, 1998 et 2004, cet article utilise l’analyse descriptive bivariée et la régression logistique binaire.
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Paper presenter
35 215
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Formalising unions in Cameroon: towards a quest for conjugal treasure?
Abstract (Translated)
In Africa, marriage is traditional, religious or civil. In addition to these forms of union, there are consensual unions. In Cameroon, a rise in common law partnerships has been observed. Among women aged 15-34, 15% were in common law partnerships in 1991 (DHS 1991), 31.45% in 1998 (DHS 1998) and 38.94% in 2004 (DHS 2004). During this period, women have lagged behind men. One wonders if the socio-economic status of the partners is behind the non-formalisation of unions in Cameroon. In other terms, what is the effect of the partners’ socio-economic status on the non-formalisation of couples in Cameroon? How did the partners’ socio-economic status influence the formalisation of unions in Cameroon between 1991 and 2004? The objectives of this article are to determine the women’s characteristics according to the formal nature of the union, and to identify the link between the partners’ socio-economic status and the formalisation of unions in Cameroon, and its evolution between 1991 and 2004. Supported by data from the DHS in 1991, 1998 and 2004, this article uses bivariate descriptive analysis and binary logistic regression.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Weight in Programme
Status in Programme

Structure familiales des ménages marocains

La société marocaine a connu des changements profonds, notamment suite à la baisse de la fécondité, l’augmentation de l’âge au mariage, l’allongement de l’espérance de vie, la scolarisation des filles, l’accès de la femme au marché du travail, l’urbanisation rapide, les migrations etc.
Face à ces évolutions, la structure familiale des ménages est marquée par une augmentation continue de la part des familles nucléaires au détriment des familles complexes.
Cette nucléarisation des familles marocaines soulève de multiples interrogations: le rôle et la place de la cellule familiale, le devenir des liens sociaux, la solidarité au sein de la cellule familiale, les relations et les rapports entre les générations…, malheureusement, et comme le souligne de nombreuses études, les recherches sur la famille au Maroc buttent sur le manque de statistiques.
L’objectif de cette étude est d’étudier l’évolution de la structure familiale des ménages marocains, ainsi on s’intéressera aux différentes configurations des ménages ( ménages nucléaires, ménages complexes ou ménages sans famille) et aux caractéristiques démographiques et socio-économiques de leurs chefs, ensuite on se focalisera sur la composition des ménages complexes et leurs caractéristiques pour enfin étudier la répartition spatiale de ces derniers.
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Paper presenter
52 003
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Family structure of Moroccan households
Abstract (Translated)
Moroccan society has undergone profound changes, particularly as a result of the decrease in fertility, the rise in the marrying age, the lengthening of life expectancy, the schooling of girls, women’s access to the labour market, rapid urbanisation, migrations, etc. Faced with these developments, the family structure of households has been marked by a steady increase in the proportion of nuclear families to the detriment of composite families. The fact that Moroccan families are becoming more nuclear raises many questions on the role and place of the family unit, the future of social ties, solidarity within the family unit, and relationships and relations among generations. Unfortunately, as highlighted by many studies, research on the family in Morocco comes up against a lack of statistics. The aim of this study is to examine the evolution of the family structure of Moroccan households and to look at different household configurations (nuclear households, composite households, family-less households) and at the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of their heads. We shall then focus on the structure of composite households and their characteristics and, lastly, study their geographical distribution.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


La pratique de la polygamie est un mode de mariage très répandu dans les pays du Sud, plus précisément en Afrique subsaharienne. Un homme à lui seul se marie à la fois, à deux ou plusieurs femmes qui vivent sous le même toit avec lui ou non. Dans certains pays d’Afrique, la loi interdit cette pratique mais, les citoyens ne peuvent pas s’en passer tout en avançant des raisons erronées ; dans d’autres la loi n’interdit pas, mais tente de limiter le nombre des coépouses vivant sous le même toit d’un homme. Selon beaucoup des chercheurs, cette pratique de la polygamie très enracinée en Afrique est encouragée par les cultures africaines et par la situation économique des familles africaines. Du point de vue démographique, si considérons la fécondité féminine, cette pratique tende à le diminuer ; cependant, elle augmente la fécondité masuline
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56 517
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Practice of polygamy in Chad: looking for explanatory factors
Abstract (Translated)
The practice of polygamy is a very widespread mode of marriage in southern countries and, more specifically, in Sub-Saharan Africa. A man can marry one, two or several women who may or may not live under the same roof with him. In some African countries, the law forbids this practice but citizens continue it while putting forward erroneous reasons. In others, the law does not forbid it, but tries to limit the number of wives living under the same roof with a man. According to many researchers, this very deep-rooted practice of polygamy in Africa is encouraged by African cultures and by the economic situation of African families. From a demographic point of view, if we consider women’s fertility, this practice tends to decrease it, while, on the other hand, increasing male fertility.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme



Dans les sociétés actuelles, la famille est en crise et par ricochet, l’institution matrimoniale. Le Bénin n’y a pas échappé. L’âge d’entrée en union ne cesse d’avancer.
La réticence de l’entrée des jeunes en mariage s’accompagne dans le même temps de la mise en place de nouvelles stratégies pour vivre en couple, ce qui n’est pas sans conséquences sur la démographie en général.
La communication vise à montrer d’une part les fondements sociologiques de la réticence des jeunes au mariage et d’autre part, les nouveaux comportements matrimoniaux adoptés et leurs conséquences sur la structure familiale et la santé de la reproduction.

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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 322
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Marriage in Benin: young people’s reluctance and alternatives to marriage in Cotonou
Abstract (Translated)
In today’s societies, the family is in crisis and, as an indirect result, so is the institution of marriage. Benin is no exception. The marrying age has not ceased to increase. Young people’s reluctance to get married has been accompanied at the same time by the use of new strategies to live together as a couple, which have not been without consequences on demography in general. This article aims to show, first of all, the sociological foundations for young people’s reluctance to get married and, second, the new matrimonal behaviours adopted and their consequences on family structure and reproductive health.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Le pacte civil de solidarité est-il concurrentiel ou complémentaire du mariage en France ?

En France depuis 1999, les couples hétérosexuels ont accès, en plus du mariage, à une nouvelle forme de légalisation d’union avec le pacte civil de solidarité (pacs). Il s’agit d’un contrat qui offre des droits quasiment semblables à ceux du mariage (sauf pour la filiation), et les modalités de dissolution y sont volontairement plus aisées que celles du divorce. Ce contrat rencontre un grand succès auprès des couples hétérosexuels, à tel point que le nombre de pacs parmi les couples de sexe différent rattrape quasiment celui des mariages célébrés chaque année en France.
A partir des bases de données concernant les pacs et mariages, nous déterminerons les effets du pacs sur la nuptialité, qui peuvent être :
- Le pacs empêche des mariages ;
- Le pacs retarde la nuptialité des couples (« le pacs est un mariage à l’essai») ;
- Le pacs n’a aucun effet sur la nuptialité (les couples pacsés ne se seraient pas mariés).
Méthodes :
- Analyse de l’évolution de la nuptialité et du recours au pacs dans les générations masculines et féminines françaises avant et depuis 1999 ;
- Recherche de corrélations géographiques entre la nuptialité et le recours au pacs dans les départements et régions.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 316
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Is the civil solidarity pact competition for or complementary to marriage in France?
Abstract (Translated)
In France, since 1999, heterosexual couples have had access, in addition to marriage, to a new form of legalised union through the civil solidarity pact (PACS). It is a contract that offers rights that are almost identical to those of marriage (except for filiation), and the procedures for ending it are purposefully easier than those for divorce. This contract has met with great success among heterosexual couples, to such a point that the number of PACS between couples of different sex has almost caught up to that of weddings celebrated every year in France. Using databases on PACS and marriages, we shall determine the effects of PACS on nuptiality, which may include: the PACS prevents marriage; the PACS postphones couples’ nuptiality (“the PACS is a trial marriage”); the PACS has no effect on nuptiality (PACSed couples would not have married). Methods: analysis of changes in nuptiality and PACS in generations of French men and women before and since 1999, search for geographical correlations between nuptiality and PACS in the departments and regions.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

De véritables cheffes ? Propres perceptions de l’effectivité de leur pouvoir sur les questions familiales par les femmes chefs d’un ménage à Ouagadougou

Les facteurs qui rendent tangible le pouvoir domestique des femmes à la tête d’un ménage demeurent sujets à des controverses. Pourtant, si la variable « femme chef de ménage » est un indicateur privilégié des rapports de genre dans les travaux démographiques, son adaptabilité aux environnements sociaux dans lesquels les études sont menées reste peu questionnée. Basée sur 21 entretiens semi-directifs, cette étude se focalise sur la notion de pouvoir implicite que renferme le concept de chef de ménage. Elle met en perspective les critères généralement retenus dans la littérature ou les enquêtes sociodémographiques pour définir et appréhender les femmes chefs de ménage avec la perception et les représentations propres qu’en ont les concernées. Il ressort du discours des femmes que si elles se reconnaissent comme les chefs de leur ménage, elles n’associent pas spontanément leur statut à la détention d’un pouvoir. Il apparaît que l’effectivité de leur pouvoir sur la gestion du ménage ne dépend pas nécessairement d’un accès ou d’une contribution aux ressources, ni de l’instruction scolaire. L’autorité domestique de ces femmes est d’abord celle qui leur est concédée par les hommes, et elle reste circonscrite dans les attitudes et les comportements de genre prescrits par la société.
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Paper presenter
48 654
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Real heads of households? Perceptions from female heads of households in Ouagadougou of the effectiveness of their own power over family matters
Abstract (Translated)
The factors that make women’s domestic power tangible at the head of their households remain controversial. However, while the “female head of household” variable is a special indicator of gender relations in demographic research, its adaptability to the social environments in which the studies are conducted is rarely questioned. Based on 21 semi-directive interviews, this study focuses on the notion of implicit power encompassed by the concept of head of household. It puts into perspective the criteria generally used in the literature and socio-demographic surveys to define and understand female heads of households, with the perceptions and representations that these women have of themselves. The women’s accounts reveal that, while they acknowledge that they are the heads of their households, they do not spontaneously associate their status with holding power. It appears that the effectiveness of their power over the management of the household does not necessarily depend on access or contribution to resources, nor on academic education. These women’s domestic authority of is, first and foremost, that which is conceded to them by men, and it remains limited by the gender attitudes and behaviours prescribed by society.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Deuxième transition démographique au Cameroun : Dynamique de l’union libre et impact sur les caractéristiques démographiques et sociales de la population

Les données issues des Recensements Généraux de la Population et des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (EDS) menés au Cameroun permettent de déterminer les intrants de la dynamique matrimoniale, mettent en lumière les changements survenus dans les différentes unions conjugales, et rendent compte de l’ampleur de l’union libre.
Tout en mettant en lumière les influences réciproques entre les variables socio démographiques et l’évolution de l’union libre, l’étude saisit, au moyen de l’âge moyen à la première union libre, les nouvelles formes de l’union libre.
Enfin, l’étude met en évidence la vulnérabilité des femmes et des enfants résidant dans les ménages formés par des couples vivant en union libre, dans un contexte de pauvreté marqué en milieu urbain par le chômage et la prostitution grandissants et en milieu rural, par la recrudescence de la polygamie et des mariages précoces.

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Event ID
Paper presenter
52 816
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
The second demographic transition in Cameroon: the dynamics and impact of common law partnerships on the population’s demographic and social characteristics
Abstract (Translated)
The data from the general population censuses and the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted in Cameroon allow us to determine the factors of matrimonial dynamics by shedding light on changes that have taken place in various conjugal unions and by reporting on the scope of common law partnerships. While shedding light on the reciprocal influences between the socio-demographic variables and the evolution of common law partnerships, the study, using the average age of the first common law relationship, reveals the new forms of consensual unions. Lastly, the study highlights the vulnerability of women and children living in households formed by couples living in common law partnerships, in a context of poverty marked, in urban settings, by increasing unemployment and prostitution and, in rural zones, by the upsurge in polygamy and early marriages.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Children's experience of living in single-parent and two-parent families in Russia

Different studies have revealed distinctions in children's experience of change in family composition during their childhood in European countries and the United States, but there are only a few researches on the experiences of Russian children. This article presents some measures that show various aspects of the experience of Russian children living in single-parent families and two-parent families. This research is based on two waves (2004 and 2007) of Generation and Gender Survey in Russia. Life stories of the first 3340 children born from 1950 to 1989 are studied from their birth to their eighteenth birthday. In this work we analyze the family circumstances in which children are born and the experience that they receive during their childhood from the perspective of family's transformations. This study reveals differences between children’s cohorts in Russia and shows recent modifications in lifetime budget of Russian’s children.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
53 898
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Children’s experiences of living within different families in Russia
Abstract (Translated)
Various studies have revealed divergences in children’s experience of change in family composition during their childhood in European countries and the United States, but there is little research on the experiences of Russian children. This study presents specific measures that show various aspects of Russian children’s experiences of living in monoparental families, blended families and families in which both parents are the biological parents. This study is based on two waves (2004 and 2007) of the Generation and Gender Survey - Russia. The life stories of 3,911 first children born between 1940 and 1994 were studied until their fifteenth birthday. In this study, we analyse the circumstances in which the children were born and their experiences during their childhood in terms of the various changes in their mother’s family. This study reveals differences among the cohorts and shows recent trends as regards births out of wedlock, children’s length of stay and their life expectancy in various types of families in Russia.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
First Choice History
Initial First Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme

Mariage et Pacte civil de solidarité : une analyse comparée

En France, depuis le 15 Novembre 1999, les couples ont la possibilité d’officialiser leur union grâce à un nouveau dispositif : le pacte civil de solidarité (pacs), partenariat plus souple que le mariage, mais ouvrant toutefois moins de droits (il est par ailleurs ouvert aux couples de même sexe, qui n’ont par contre pas droit au mariage).
Depuis son entrée en vigueur, de nombreux couples ont choisi ce type d’officialisation pour de multiples raisons, allant de raisons pratiques ou fiscales à des raisons plus symboliques, comme le désir d’officialiser une union de manière alternative au mariage.
Après plus de dix ans de mise en pratique du dispositif et un recours relativement important à ce type d’officialisation, il est intéressant, pour les couples de sexe différent, de mener une analyse comparée des couples mariés et des couples pacsés. C'est l'objet de cette communication.
On se demandera tout d’abord, au niveau individuel, qui se pacse et/ou se marie, et à quel âge ; ensuite on observera au niveau du couple, les différences ou similitudes entre les mariés et les pacsés (écart d’âge entre conjoints, niveau d’études et profession des deux conjoints…) ; enfin nous analyserons les différences en termes de fécondité.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 401
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Marriage and the Civil Solidarity Pact: a comparative analysis
Abstract (Translated)
Since 15 November 1999, couples in France have had the possibility of officialising their union by means of a new system: the Civil Solidarity Pact (PACS), which is a partnership that is more flexible than marriage, but does not entitle them to the same rights (it is also available to same-sex couples who are not entitled to marriage). Since the Pact came into force, many couples have chosen it to officialise their union for a number of reasons, varying from practical or fiscal reasons to more symbolic reasons, such as the desire to find an alternative to marriage. After more than 10 years of practical application of the system and a relatively widespread use of this type of officialisation, it would seem to be of interest, for different-sex couples, to conduct a comparative analysis of married couples and those who have signed a Civil Solidarity Pact, which is the aim of this paper. We will first ask the question of who, on an individual basis, chooses marriage and/or a Civil Solidarity Pact, and at what age. We will then observe differences or similarities in couples who are married and who have signed a Pact (age difference between spouses/partners, level of education and profession of both parties). We will then analyse the differences in terms of fertility.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme


La nuptialité, phénomène parfois négligé, est un processus crucial en démographie, dans la mesure où elle affecte tous les autres processus (fécondité, mortalité, migration et encadrement des enfants) et dans la mesure où elle est hautement sensible aux fluctuations économiques. Son étude est particulièrement utile pour mieux comprendre le cours actuel et futur des transitions de fécondité en Afrique. En Afrique sub-saharienne, de nombreuses études montrent une augmentation de l'âge au premier mariage tant chez les hommes que chez les femmes, et les passages répétés des Enquêtes Démographiques et de Santé (EDS) dans plusieurs pays confirment cette tendance. Toutefois, les moteurs de ces changements restent mal connus? Ces changements sont-ils confinés aux pauvres ou reflètent-ils une évolution culturelle généralisée? Traduisent-ils simplement un report de l’âge au mariage ou alors un retrait généralisé? La présente étude examine les tendances récentes de l’âge au mariage et vérifie la thèse d’un report temporaire lié à la pauvreté. L’analyse couvrira plusieurs pays d’Afrique et utilisera les méthodes de décomposition.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
52 917
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Recent trends in age at first marriage in Africa
Abstract (Translated)
Marriage, which is sometimes a neglected factor, is a crucial process in demography because it affects all the other processes (fertility, mortality, migration and childcare) and is highly sensitive to economic fluctuations. Studying marriage is particularly useful for gaining a better understanding of the current and future course of fertility transitions in Africa. In Sub-Sahara Africa, numerous studies show an increase in the age at first marriage for both men and women, and repeated Demographic and Health Studies (DHS) in several countries confirm this trend. However, the driving force behind these changes is still poorly known. Are they confined to the poor or do they reflect a widespread cultural evolution? Do they simply translate a postponement of the age of marriage or a general decline? This study examines recent trends in the age at marriage and verifies the hypothesis of temporary postponement due to poverty. The analysis covers several African countries and combines a longitudinal analysis with breakdown analysis methods.
Status (Translated)
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme