Activities of the Panel on International Migration at the 2nd International Forum on Migration StatisticsCairo, Egypt, 19-21 January 2020
Over 700 migration scholars and representatives of national statistical offices and non-governmental organizations from 90 countries participated in the 2nd International Forum on Migration Statistics held 19-21 January in Cairo, Egypt. The conference was organized collaboratively by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and was hosted by the government of Egypt, which currently chairs the African Union (AU).
The themes of the forum included:
The IUSSP Scientific Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the knowledge base for policy participated in several formal as well as informal capacities. Panel Member Guy Abel (Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University) implemented a training session on migration estimation methodology and the application of “R” for generation of migration flow estimates. Over 30 migration statisticians and scholars attended the workshop.
The IUSSP Panel also organized a session on ‘Priorities in International Migration Research and Statistics: Prospects for a World Migration Survey.’ The session was chaired by Mr. Gervais Appave (Senior Policy Advisor, IOM) and included presentations by Panel Members Marcela Cerrutti (Centro de Estudios de Poblacion) and Philippe Fargues (European University Institute) and commentary on the IUSSP proposal for a world migration survey by IUSSP members Douglas Massey (Princeton University) and Jean-Christophe Dumont (OECD). The session was attended by a large audience and engendered a lively discussion of the rationale, timeliness, and feasibility for a world migration survey. Issues of sampling design loomed large among a generally enthusiastic community of migration scholars.
On the final day of the conference, the Panel also organized a luncheon gathering of IUSSP members attending the IFMS. The ‘meeting’ of approximately thirty colleagues was convivial, as we enjoyed sharing our very 'social' demographic perspectives on migration issues, data and research.
![]() For more information on the IUSSP International Migration Panel's activities read previous Bulletin articles: