Urban FP Fellows at the International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH)Xiamen, China 2-8 November 2019
The International Conference on Urban Health organized by the International Society for Urban Health in Xiamen, China 6-8 November 2019 provided an excellent opportunity for the Urban Family Planning fellows to present some of their preliminary research findings and for the IUSSP Panel on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development to raise awareness of the contributions of family planning to urban welfare to an audience of Urban Health professionals. The panel organized two pre-formed panel sessions during the conference as well as a pre-conference workshop for the fellows.
The first panel session (see programme below) examined the reasons family planning issues have been neglected in urban health research, and the failure of urban health to become a global political priority. The fellows along with researchers from African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) provided case studies from their research in Uganda, Kenya and Guinea to illustrate the barriers the urban poor face in accessing family planning services. Mukesh Sharma of TCI described how city governments in India participating in The Challenge Initiative are literally “buying in” to urban family planning services with their own funds.
The second session (see programme below) overviewed urbanization trends and recent research findings on urban family planning, and participants discussed the neglect of family planning in urban research and key knowledge gaps that challenge the creation of effective urban health systems. Fellows provided case studies from Nigeria and Democratic Republic of Congo linking family planning and fertility to urban development. Leiwen Jiang (Population Council and Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI), Shanghai University) provided an assessment of the health needs of rural-urban migrants under plausible urbanization trends.
In addition to participating in the conference, the fellows also participated in a pre-conference workshop on policy communication with trainers from APHRC. Lynette Kamau and Eunice Kilonzo worked with the fellows to transform their PowerPoint presentations from detailed academic slides of data results and analysis to more concise and visual presentations of the key policy relevant points of their research. The transformations were especially welcome at the ICUH were many of those in the audience would be from other disciplines.
The panel is sponsored by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) under a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aimed at supporting research and policy engagement on fertility and family planning in urban development.
Panel 1 - Research and action on addressing family planning and reproductive health in urban health care systems Moderator: Judith F. Helzner, Project Coordinator, IUSSP Programme on Urban Family Planning and Fertility
Panel 2 - Policy and governance approaches to considering family planning and fertility in urban health Moderator: Blessing Mberu, Senior Research Scientist and Head of Urbanization and Wellbeing Program, African Population and Health Research Center; Executive Board member, ISUH