This project is jointly carried out by: With support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. The overall purpose of this initiative is to infuse interdisciplinary perspectives, drawing on perspectives from law, history, economics, public policy, demography, and public health, to address the ethical and human rights challenges that are emerging as population register systems are modernized and digitized.
Interdisciplinary Research Webinar on Population Registers, Ethics and Human Rights - 10 October 2023 at 14:00 UTC Working Paper: Rights and Ethics in Biometric Population Registration : Mapping the limits of digital recognition and the drivers of exclusion (9 October 2023)
Fellows: Georges Macaire Eyenga - Ph.D in Sociology from the University of Paris Nanterre (France), is interested in African technoscapes and how increasing technicisation is shaping space, sovereignty and governance regimes in Africa. Elizabeth Nansubuga - PhD in Population Studies, North West University (South Africa), Lecturer in Population Studies, Makerere University, is interested in ethical issues around legal identity and civil registration systems. Janaina Costa - Lawyer, MSc in Economic and Social Development from IEDES - Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, postgraduate degree in Digital Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), is interested in citizen empowerment and uses of emerging technologies for the public interest.
Activities carried out under the auspices of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems (2019-2022) Press release: IUSSP expands collaborations on population register systems, ethics and human rights 7 July 2022 Population, Ethics, and Human Rights Fellowship
Session on Emerging Ethics and Human Rights Issues in the Digitization of Population Register Systems International Population Conference (IPC2021), online, 10 December 2021 Online, 10 June 2020 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda, 18 November 2019 | | Team: - Romesh Silva - Technical Specialist, Health & Social Inequalities, UNFPA Technical Division, United States; Chair, IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population Registers, Ethics and Human Rights.
- Keith Breckenridge - Professor and Deputy Director, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER), University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
- Jonathan Klaaren - Professor of Law and Society, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) & School of Law, the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.
- Laura Ferguson - Associate Professor and Director, Program on Global Health & Human Rights and Institute on Inequalities in Global Health, University of Southern California, United States.
- Sofia Gruskin - Professor and Director, Institute on Inequalities in Global Health, University of Southern California, United States; Member, IUSSP Scientific Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen CRVS Systems.
- Elizabeth Atori, Legal Officer, Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), Uganda.
- Salima Namusobya - Executive Director, Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), Uganda.
- Claudio Machado - Independant consultant, Brazil.
- Paul Monet - Deputy Director, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), France.