HIV/AIDS had started to spread from high-risk groups to general population and from urban to rural areas through migrants. Objectives are to investigate sexual behaviors and risks of HIV infection. Study was conducted one of high HIV prevalence state of India during 2009. By simple random method, 609 respondents were selected from 20 PSUs who made more than two moves during last three years. Odds ratio with 95% confidence interval were computed to assess risk association. Indian Council of Social Science Research had given financial support. Sexual activity was widespread among hotel migrant workers, irrespective of their marital status. Mean age at first sexual experience was 23.49 years. One-third had sexual contact with FSWs in past 12 months and fifty percent had sexual relationship with Non-FSWs. Unmarried migrants started their sexual actions with FSWs/Non-FSWs at less than 19 years. Condom usage was high with FSWs (68.3 percent) than with Non-FSWs (20 percent). It indicates migrants’ perception of chance of getting HIV/AIDS varies according to their partners. Overall, 30 percent of migrants suffered by any one sexual health/STIs related symptoms. Degree of mobility has extreme positive relation with incidence of STIs among clients of FSWs/Non-FSWs and risk of getting HIV will be more.
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