22nd IMISCOE Annual Conference

1st–4th July 2025, Paris–Aubervilliers and online

Complete information at: www.imiscoe.org/events/imiscoe-events/2117-22nd-imiscoe-annual-conferen…

Decentering migration studies:

In the past years, migration studies have witnessed the renewal of theoretical frameworks, the emergence of new methodologies, numerous empirical studies, and increased collaboration among researchers, all with the aim of improving our understanding of migration. The 22nd edition of the IMISCOE Annual Conference will seek to foster a pluralistic conference of epistemological dialogue and collective reflexivity that challenges the ways in which migration research is produced. The majority of research on migration has been conducted by scientific institutions and published in English, with an emphasis on immigration. The objective is to challenge conventional representations of the migration phenomenon by adopting a decentered perspective, thereby exposing the biases that contribute to an incomplete understanding of the complexities of contemporary migrations.


French Collaborative Institute on Migration (Institut Convergences Migrations, IC Migrations), Campus Condorcet, France