A study of 960 currently married women from Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh indicated that majority of women were young and illiterate. Chhattisgarh women were more literate than Jharkhand women. Two-third currently married women in Jharkhand and half in Chattisgarh were not offered any method choice during the contraceptive acceptance process. One third in Jharkhand and half in Chhatisgarh were informed about the side effects while adopting a method. Currently married women in Chhattisgarh were more likely to receive information about the side effects of different methods of contraception than those in Jharkhand during the contraceptive acceptance process. Half of sterilization users had received follow up after sterilization. Younger women received more follow-up services. Education did not show definite association with reported utilization of follow up services. A few women used herbal methods too .It has emerged during the qualitative interactions that most popular method of family planning was sterilization. Majority of women used pills and IUD but male sterilization was not prevalent. Some of the most frequently quoted issues related to different methods were that sterilized women sometimes gain weight and women using pills and IUD face problems of abdominal pain, white discharge and irregular menstruation.

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Submitted by Rajiva.Prasad on