Objective. This study is aimed at analysing the trend of mention to non-HIV related causes of death in the death certificates of adults who lived with HIV/AIDS in Brazil.
Methods: Data of the deaths occurred in Brazilian adults between 1999 and 2010 were analysed. Standardized mortality odds ratios were used to compare causes of death in individuals who had HIV/AIDS listed on any field of the death certificate with those who deaths who had no mention to this disease.
Results. From 1999 to 2010, 6120670 deaths occurred in adults in Brazil and 2.2% of those had HIV/AIDS mentioned in the death certificate. Causes non-associated with HIV/AIDS, more specifically, cardiovascular diseases, genitourinary diseases and malign presented a steady and significantly larger increase in the frequency with which they were listed as causes of death for individuals who also had HIV listed on the death certificate.
Conclusion. The results suggest that the long cohabition with HIV and HAART might have an important role in the development of non-associated HIV/AIDS diseases in people living with HIV/AIDS.
Key-words: AIDS, HIV, mortality, causes of death, death certificate.
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Submitted by erika.fazito on