The goal of this paper is to address the micro determinants of reproductive behavior during the baby boom in Spain. The data used come from vital registration statistics and micro-census data, as well as from the recent Baby Boom and Bust Survey of Spain. This survey, undertaken between January and April of 2012, consists of 1,021 face to face interviews with women above 60 years of age randomly selected and representative for the entire country. In this paper, we apply an analytical strategy based on a bivariate and multivariate analysis (two models). The dependent variable for model 1 is children ever born and for model 2 it is the likelihood of having a third child among women having at least two childbirths. Within the two models we have used the following explanatory variables: year of birth, marital status, education, labor experience, age at first child, age at last child, fertility limitation, number of miscarriages, number of reproductive health problems, number of siblings of informant, and region of residence. We also include a variable related to partner social status.
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