Development is a multidimensional concept which believes in growth not only in terms of money but growth which brings welfare in a society and enhances the choices of the population. Enhancing the choices, would mean introducing better infrastructure plus improving the quality and quantity of existing infrastructure to satisfy the needs of the people and thus, improves their quality of life. With about 300 million living in urban centers and contributing 60 percent of Gross Domestic Product monitoring of urban infrastructure becomes crucial. Infrastructure is a critical factor contributing towards industrial as well as tertiary sector and overall economic and social development. Infrastructure development though mainly comes under the purview of government but recently, private sector has ushered in this field. It is usually assumed that, with development there will be a change in the pattern of service provision. We have to discover that, how these changes have transpired over time and space. Therefore, it is essential to study these concepts across time and space and thus we have studied these concepts in state of Odisha and Maharashtra in India in year 1981 and 2001. This analysis conveys interesting results indicating a strong relationship between development and provision of services.

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Submitted by amrita.bajaj on