A software application developed by Djarot can be used to measure as well as to project contraceptive prevalence rate and total modified combined unmet need for contraception especially in the field more easily. According to conceptual framework, there are two types of unmet need for contraception. These are Westoff's manifest unmet need and Palmore's latent unmet need. When these types combined called combined unmet need for contraception. Currently married women in reproductive ages (acronym as MWRAs) can be divided into two mayor divisions, MWRAs using contraception or called contraceptive prevalence rate (acronym as CPR) and MWRAs not using contraception consists of fecund and infecund women. MWRAs' fecund not using contraception divided into pregnant or amenorrheic and not pregnant or amenorrheic that divided as unmet need for spacing and unmet need for limiting. Sum of unmet need for spacing and limiting is total unmet need. Next, based on tracks of manifest and latent unmet need, it is known total manifest unmet need and total latent unmet need. Furthermore, if total manifest unmet need added to total latent unmet need then gotten total combined unmet need. Because of data information collected from regularly recording and reporting systems.there are a three types of modifications.
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