The population situation of China has transformed fundamentally from the high fertility era to the low fertility era since the early 1990s. The historical transformation of China’s population dynamics will naturally bring up remarkable changes in the reproductive health issues people may encounter, which call for attention.
Along with the arrival of low fertility, the puberty tends to come earlier and marriage and childbearing tend to be postponed, which invites longer exposure to unprepared sex before marriage. The reduction of the number of children to have will certainly make the period for childbearing shortened, which may likely cause some notable changes in people’s childbearing behavior.
While the period for childbearing is to be shortened, the period for contraception will simultaneously become extended.
The paper will discuss that the arrival of low fertility will witness the emerging of a whole set of new reproductive health issues which have never been seen before, and call for investigation and research as well as redesign and redevelopment in program approach and implementation, so to meet the changing needs of people in reproductive health in the guidance of quality of care.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
46 956
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by Baochang.Gu on