Abortion has been legal in Nepal since 2002. However, parental consent is required for women under age 16. Because of inappropriate knowledge, young women rarely utilize safe abortion service to terminate unwanted pregnancies. This study seeks to examine community level information on young women’s knowledge, attitudes and skills concerning comprehensive abortion care. A household survey among 600 women age 16 to 24 year in Rupandehi revealed that, knowledge of Nepal’s abortion law among young women is very low and attitudes towards abortion among young women are mostly positive. However, confidentiality and positive/supportive attitude of provider is a key facilitator in seeking abortion care. Young women also perceive that there is a bias against unmarried women in need of reproductive health care. Partner support is high, but young women lack reproductive independence and confidence. Friends are a large source of support for abortion among young women and media, health providers and interpersonal relationships are important source of information for abortion. The study highlights need to Increase knowledge and awareness of abortion, need to decrease stigma around reproductive health care for unmarried women, empower married women to make positive reproductive health choices, increase community support for safe abortion.
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49 447
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Submitted by Sharad Kumar.Sharma on