Despite Nigeria’s abundant physical and human resource endowments, the economic growth rate has been as slow (0.1 %, 1965-1996). This is due in part to the improper harmonization of demographic characteristics of the population and the physical resources. For instance high fertility rate can lead to rapid population growth and high proportion of the youth in a population. Resource allocations for the different sectors of the economic become limited and thus slow the rate of economic development. Apparently, controlling population growth rate, as echoed by the United Nation, is necessary for any economy to development.
Investing in the human resource particularly adolescent reproductive health needs is not only a right but crucial for any meaningful economic development.
Information from sources like the Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey and other sources revealed that adolescents are now giving birth before the age of 18 years thus contributing to an annual population growth rate of 3.2%. This scenario imposes an unsustainable burden on the health care There is a need to demystify sex education and include it in school based programmes. This will help to discourage unprotected sex, lower fertility and eventual slowing the rapid population growth delivery and slow economic development.
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Submitted by Ogunleye Adeto… on