Infertility problem has been a neglected research area in developing countries so far. The main focus has been given on different health issues rather than levels and determinants of infertility in India. Infertility can be categorized in two types, i.e. primary and secondary infertility. Preventive and curative services for infertility have not yet been a priority in India. Hence, it requires an in-depth study in India to unmask this problem. Therefore an attempt has been made to understand the socio-economic and demographic factors, exaggerating situation of infertility in India and treatment seeking behaviour. To carry out this study DLHS-III data have been used. Bivariate and Multivariate models have been prepared to understand the effect of socio-economic and demographic factors for infertility problem and treatment seeking. To focus spatial variation of infertility problem and treatment seeking behaviour. GIS has been used. Rich-poor gap is visible in case of preferred treatment for infertility. Type of occupation is coming significant and those who are engaged in primary sector are more likely to suffer infertility problem than those who are working in secondary and tertiary sector. Recognizing the importance of education and prevention, infertility treatment in India requires greater attention at National levels.
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52 666
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Submitted by Arpita.Das on