South Africa has one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world. It is estimated that 5.38 million South Africans are living with HIV/AIDS (Statssa 2011). New infections among adults aged 15+ were reportedly 316,900 in 2011 (Statssa 2011). This paper examines South Africa’s mortality due to HIV/AIDS among the youth (15- 34 years old). This age- group is of fundamental importance to the economic and social development of the country and the Integrated Youth Development Strategy of South Africa adds that “many challenges of youth development remain enormous”(NYDA 2012). One of these challenges is the impact of HIV/AIDS on mortality. Data from the national registry of deaths, collated by Stats SA, from 2006- 2009 is used. Life table techniques are employed to quantify and infer the impact of the disease on mortality. Results show by sex, that mortality due to this cause has also remained consistent over the period, with mortality due to HIV/AIDS being higher among females than males. Probability of dying from HIV/AIDS shows that over the period, fluctuations in likelihood of mortality have occurred, but for both males and females (of all age- groups) the chances of dying from this cause have increased in 2009.
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Submitted by Nicole.DeWet on