Children find themselves amidst a complex society that is undergoing breathtaking changes due to media intervention in every part of our life, including food leading to change in food intake patterns and causing obesity . In this regard, a sample of 156 urban children was studied using dietary schedule consisting of Demographic Profile, Nutritional Profile, Biochemical Profile, Dietary Profile and Cognitive Profile.
The total calorie intake of the sample was found to be below or near the normal , however, calories from fat and proteins intake were relatively high. Serum cholesterol levels above acceptable limits were also found in half of the sample putting them at high risk of developing hypercholesterolemia later. A high level of total fat intake was also found in both the age groups of children. 52% children were on high junk food diet with a high impact of visual media like TV advertisements (87.0%).Higher levels of serum cholesterol were found in 67% of junk food eaters and 82.6% of such children were overweight or at risk of being overweight.
Recommendations for total diet, excess fat, life style and dietary behavioral management were made in order to enhance the healthy dietary practices among urban children
The total calorie intake of the sample was found to be below or near the normal , however, calories from fat and proteins intake were relatively high. Serum cholesterol levels above acceptable limits were also found in half of the sample putting them at high risk of developing hypercholesterolemia later. A high level of total fat intake was also found in both the age groups of children. 52% children were on high junk food diet with a high impact of visual media like TV advertisements (87.0%).Higher levels of serum cholesterol were found in 67% of junk food eaters and 82.6% of such children were overweight or at risk of being overweight.
Recommendations for total diet, excess fat, life style and dietary behavioral management were made in order to enhance the healthy dietary practices among urban children
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Event ID
Session 2
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56 078
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