Inter-state migration has always been prevalent in different studies on Pattern of migration indicates about the level of development (population redistribution and equilibrium) in a state or in a district depending on the level of analysis. More over in India and particularly in West Bengal decentralization of planning process has assumed much importance at present, generating a various economic activities for pulling migrants from different states. The study based on secondary data (Census D-3 series, 2001) only is an indicative of migrants by place of last residence, duration of residence and reason for migration. The objective of this paper to flow of in migration and out migration, age-sex characteristics and determined dominant causes for in migrants and out migrants. Net in-migrating (majorities are rural areas of eastern regions) and recipient of huge influx female migrants from rural areas of West Bengal. Larger proportion of out-migration from West Bengal goes to Western and Northern regions (employment, business and education). To study the details of changing characteristics at origin and destination one need to conduct the primary survey at origin as well as at destination depending upon the nature of research questions we pose.
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