The paper is an attempt to know the levels and trends of pregnancy loss in India. According to WHO, there is a slight improvement in maternal mortality ratio from the past decades in developing countries. The study is based on the three rounds of District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS). Different indicators are made for estimating the pregnancy loss in India.

The levels and trends of pregnancy outcomes are also analyzed for the major states of India among which Haryana showed continuously increasing with high percentages of pregnancy wastages during these three successive periods 1998-99, 2002-04 and 2007-08. Spontaneous abortion only in Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu showed the continuously increasing percentages in three successive time periods.

On the contrary, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh show only very less percentages of pregnancy wastages during the same period. The present paper helps to understand the present scenario of pregnancy loss in India.
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