Given the enormity of the problem of the elderly for future, the paper attempts to examine the socio-economic factors that influence the decision of the elderly in Pondicherry region to move into Old Age Homes (OAHs) by gender. It also examine their familial background and living conditions, and attitudes on life and leaving their family. The study is based on primary data collected from a random sample of 320 elderly living with their family and in OAH in Puducherry region, UTP, during July-September 2011. The results revealed the elderly living in OAH and the females in particular to be socially and economically worse off than those living with their families. Majority of the respondents living with families live with their sons, and a negligible number with the daughter. Among those living in OAH, majority stay in unpaid homes. They are less educated, with hardly any assets, income or savings. An analysis of decision of the elderly to move into OAH using logit regression revealed age, house ownership, being married and joint family to be significantly discouraging it, whereas higher education and asset value were found to significantly encourage it due to their economic independence.
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Submitted by nirmala.velan on