What can say a qualitative longitudinal analysis about changes in the lives of workers, about the historical processes associated with them? To what extent is related the individual level of these narratives with social transformation processes? The aim of this paper will be showcase an exemplary study of Qualitative Longitudinal Research from the analysis of labour markets' insecurity and its ramifications for social uncertainty, based on interviews and ethnographic work, and aim to further codify principles that could guide this methodological innovation. To get this strategy, we focused on three methodological axes: life course perspective- trajectories analysis and cohort analysis. All these three developments (trajectories analysis, cohort analysis and life course perspective) are elements of a paradigm change in the social science toward the greater primacy of context, temporality, and process, in the studies of individuals, groups, and social organizations.
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Event ID
Session 2
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56 285
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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