Title: The relationship between population growth rate and climate change in Kibuku District-Uganda.

Objective: To establish the relationship between population growth and climate change in Kibuku District, Eastern Uganda.

Results: 1352 respondents (902 Female, 450 Male).1002 people said that the area is commonly faced with famine with longer dry seasons. Most of them attributed the change in climate to over deforestation that was carried out in search for fuel that is charcoal and firewood which is 99% of the fuel types commonly used. 163 said that the increased pressure on the same piece of land has destroyed the ecological system leading to poor yields, famine and some common diseases.187 people said that it was change in God’s plan. 67% of the respondents said that the if the government can work with them to reduce on the population growth rate and thus reduce pressure on natural resources and most of them recommended the safer family planning services.
Methodology: Focus group discussions, observation, interviews, storytelling were the methods.
Conclusion: There is need to get an alternative fuel source especially in the rural settings other than firewood and charcoal in the urban centers to reduce on tree exploitation.
Recommendations: developing countries should encourage voluntary family planning
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