
[ Abstract]

Nursing care that is responsibility for the life of patients is provided by Nurse Aids who are not medical personnel in small and medium hospitals in Korea. Nursing care provided to patients at small and medium hospitals in Korea does not reach the basic nursing care. This is the blind spot in nursing care which is very different from nursing care provided at University Hospitals, Teaching Hospital in Korea.
Thus the patients who receive nursing care from Nurse Aids do not have human rights as patients as well as guarantee or security in legal rights. But there is no any debate or discussion on this issue. Because nobody try to see current nursing care status in small and medium hospitals or nobody have any chance to look at the actual reality of current nursing care status in small and medium hospital. The purpose of this paper is for the patients who are going to receive nursing care in small and medium his hospital to have the guarantee in basic human rights and legal rights as patients to basic nursing care, and for us to search for alternatives on this issue.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
56 297
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by hyunsuk.jeong on