The European Union population will remain the world’s oldest region into the 21st century. According to EUROPOP 2010 projection, the percentage of people in EU27 aged 65+ will increase from 17.4% in 2010 to 29.5% in 2060. However, the pace of ageing will vary across countries. The study will primarily focus on confronting demographic indicators of ageing with investigating the attitudes towards the elderly based on the recent survey on Active Ageing (Special Eurobarometer 378, 2012). The East-West divide observed through demographic indicators of mortality and health is also repeated in attitude patterns. Citizens in former EU15 tend to be more satisfied with their health than those in NMS12 (12 New Member States). People are most likely to set old age lower in Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania, Germany, etc. General perception of the elderly at age 55 and over is the most positive in Luxembourg, Finland, Cyprus, Denmark, Ireland, Belgium while it is very negative in Hungary, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Latvia, Slovakia. Former socialist countries do not show old-age friendly environment despite the fact that currently they still belong among the youngest populations. Therefore, for such countries it will be a significant challenge in the future to cope with the fast population ageing.

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Event ID
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48 080
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by Jitka.Rychtakikova on