We were saddened to learn that Marc Lebrun, deputy director of IUSSP (1970-1994) passed away on 25 June 2014 at the age of 67.


Marc, a young demographer fresh out of the University of Brussels, joined Bruno Remiche at the IUSSP Secretariat in 1970. For a quarter of a century, he served the Union with devotion and competence. He was appreciated by all for his intellect, knowledge, and attention to others.


Many of us remember with pleasure meetings and discussions with Marc during scientific seminars, which he so efficiently organized. In the early 1980’s, Marc coordinated the activities of a working group on the history of the IUSSP publishing a document that remains a precious reference on the life of our association.


Despite an early retirement due to health problems, Marc continued to follow with interest IUSSP activities and remained in contact with many members of the Union. With Marc’s passing an entire episode in the history of our association also disappears.


Please send us any memories or stories you have about Marc. We would like to honour his memory by posting these on the website.



France Meslé (france.mesle@iussp.org)




Members' testimonials and tributes to  Marc Lebrun

I closely worked with him when I was Secretary General and, later, President of IUSSP. He was a softspoken, hardworking, cultivated, competent and amiable person. I remained in contact with him after he prematurely retired from work due to diabetes: we had developed a true and deep friendship. With his serious work he contributed to the good name and sound reputation of the Union. I know that many of the senior IUSSP colleagues remember him with affection.


Massimo Livi-Bacci

I got to know Marc Lebrun very well in the 1980s while serving as a member of the IUSSP Working Group on the Economics of International Migration (1980-1981), member of the Committee on Economic and Social Aspects of International Migration (1983-1985), and Chair of the Committee on International Migration (1986-1990). Marc worked very hard for the Union and was one of the most efficient persons with whom I have ever worked. He also was a very kind and gentle person who would go the extra mile to comply with a request and help out the scientific groups. He worked closely with Bruno on IUSSP fundraising and was widely respected in the donor community. His departure from the IUSSP in 1994 was  a major loss for the Union. May his family find peace in knowing that he was a highly valued member of the IUSSP team.

 Mary M Kritz

I have worked closely with Marc Lebrun at IUSSP Headquarters in the mid-1980s. Marc was a most pleasant and hard-working colleague. He was attentive to others and was always available to provide advice, which he provided with sound judgment and good humor. He was also a man of great culture. He definitely played a key role in the flourishing of IUSSP for many, many years.  We will remember and cherish his legacy.


John F. May

C’est lors du congrès de Liège en 1973, que j’ai rencontré Marc pour la première fois. J’ai immédiatement compris le rôle important qu’il jouait auprès de Bruno Remiche dans la bonne marche de l’Union. Très différents l’un de l’autre, ils ont formé un tandem très efficace. Personnellement, j’ai toujours apprécié Marc pour sa compétence, sa disponibilité, sa gentillesse, son dynamisme, au service de l’Union, de ses membres et surtout de ses activités scientifiques. L’une de ses principales fonctions consistait en effet à veiller à la bonne marche des Commissions scientifiques. Il y excellait, prêtant sans compter son concours et ses conseils toujours judicieux, tout en restant extrêmement  discret et respectueux des prérogatives de chacune des Commissions qu’il avait en charge. J’ai beaucoup apprécié son goût pour l’histoire et sa vision des faits démographiques dans la longue durée. J’ai partagé avec lui de très bons moments à l’occasion de ma propre implication dans l’Union. J’ai beaucoup regretté son départ prématuré pour raison de santé. Mais, même après, j’ai longtemps encore bénéficié de ses conseils, toujours très précieux. En fait, je n’ai de lui que d’excellents souvenirs, de ceux qu’on évoque avec la nostalgie d’un bon temps disparu.


Jacques Vallin

Jacques Vallin a parfaitement exprimé ce que j'avais envie de dire à propos de Marc, et je ne vais donc pas le répéter ici. J'ai, comme lui, apprécié toutes les qualités de Marc pendant les années où j'étais membre du Conseil ou responsable de commission, et j'ajouterai seulement un point : son sens de l'humour, un peu pince-sans-rire et toujours discret. Le tandem qu'il formait avec Bruno Remiche aura marqué l'histoire de l'Union pour longtemps.
Henri Leridon