One month to Cape Town! Next 29 October the 28th International Population Conference will open for an exciting week of scientific discussion and debate with researchers and policy makers from around the globe in a city that offers a rich natural and cultural heritage for all to explore. The IUSSP Secretariat is working full stop with South African colleagues on the National Organizing Committee to make the 28th Conference a memorable event. More than 1,700 individuals have already registered to attend the conference. For those deciding late to attend, there is still time to register. Over 1,000 oral communications will be presented in 240 sessions; there will be an additional 900 scientific posters where participants can discuss one-on-one research with the authors. You can create your own schedule by consulting the scientific programme. The place to go each day at 5 pm – IPC2017 Plenary Sessions:
- Sunday 29 October: Opening ceremony with a key note address by Tufuku Zuberi, University of Pennsylvania, on International Migration: Demographic Implications and Policy Challenges along with a welcome from South African officials, the International Organizing Committee President, Pali Lehohla, Statistician General of South Africa, and Anastasia Gage, IUSSP President.
- Monday 30 October: UNFPA Plenary on Data for Development: Strengthening National Capacity in Population Data to be followed by the presentation of the 2017 IUSSP Laureate to José Miguel Guzman.
- Tuesday 31 October: IUSSP Plenary Debate – Is Very Low Fertility Good or Bad for the Family, Gender and Society?
- Wednesday 1 November: Africa Day Plenary – Demographic Data Challenges for Reporting on the SDGs in Africa
- Thursday 2 November: IUSSP Plenary Debate – Should borders be open?
- Friday 3 November: Closing Ceremony with presentations by Anne Gauthier, recipient of the 2017 IUSSP-Mattei Dogan Award for Comparative Research in Demography and Tom LeGrand, incoming IUSSP President (2018-2021); the announcement of the winners of the week’s daily best poster prize and the venue for the 2021 International Population Conference.
Participate in the life of the Union: Attend the two IUSSP General Assemblies. - Monday 30 October at 1 pm – Members will designate the committee of members to review the proposed amendments to the IUSSP Constitution
- Wednesday 1 November at 7 pm – Come to hear France Meslé, IUSSP Secretary General and Treasurer, report on IUSSP activities and finances for the 2013-2017 period, elect the Committee on Nominations for the 2021 Council Elections, and give your opinion on the proposed revisions to the constitution, or discuss freely the activities and future direction of the Union.
New for this Conference: The IUSSP offered research centers and institutions interested in population issues the opportunity to organize a sponsored session on a research topic of special importance to them. Eleven Sponsored Research Leader Sessions are included in the programme on a range of topics that include migration to the European Union, reflections on the role of demography, abortion and family planning, the role of demography in setting policy direction, … etc. For dates and times of sessions and descriptions go to Sponsored Research Leader Sessions. Social events to meet and exchange with colleagues:
- Make a toast with colleagues and friends at the cocktail reception following the Opening Ceremony on 29 October.
- Take advantage of the coffee breaks and lunch service proposed in the Exhibit hall to meet new colleagues and catch-up with old friends and colleagues from around the globe.
- Visit the exhibition stands to learn about the activities of the different institutions and publishers present.
- Attend the evening gala offered by the National Organizing Committee on Thursday 2 November.
- Discover Cape Town and the surrounding region taking advantage of the tourist programme that will soon be announced.
We look forward to meeting with a large number of you in South Africa during this major international event for our scientific community. The International Organizing Committee for IPC2107.  |