Election Results

The Election Committee has completed their examination of the votes and we are pleased to announce that the IUSSP members listed below have been elected and will join Anastasia Gage (IUSSP President-elect) in January to serve on the 2014-2017 IUSSP Council. Peter McDonald was elected Honorary President of the Union.

Congratulations to the newly elected Council Members.

Over 56 % of confirmed members voted – a record rate of participation for an IUSSP election. Details of the 2013 Election can be read in the Report of the Election Committee.


Vice President (President Elect 2018-21)

Tom LeGrand (Canada)

 Secretary General and Treasurer

 France Meslé (France)

Council member for Africa
 Tom Moultrie (South Africa)   

Council member for Asia and Oceania
 Sureeporn Punpuing   (Thailand)

Council member for Europe
 Emily Grundy (United Kingdom)

Council member for Latin-America
 Edith Pantelides (Argentina)

Council member for North-America
 David Lam (USA)

Council Member-at-large



The electoral procedure is controlled by an Election Committee composed of three IUSSP members appointed by the Council. The 2013 Election Committee members are Veronique Hertrich, Catherine Rollet, and Laurent Toulemon.


 All current and confirmed members of the IUSSP have the right to vote. Student associates do not vote in the elections. To increase turn-out, elections are now organized via the Internet, using a secure external online voting company, Votenet Solutions, an Internet voting service that provides online voting for a large number of associations and companies. Members will be sent by email a username and password to access the ballot and vote. However, members who prefer to vote by post can request a paper ballot.


The election opens by 30 July of the year in which the Council term of office ends. To be counted, duly filled ballots must be received at the Union’s headquarters by 1 October of the same year. If a meeting of the General Assembly occurs before 30 September of that year, members in attendance may submit their completed ballot at that meeting, though we urge all members to vote electronically. The counting of the ballot forms will be completed by 15 October. For each category of office, those receiving the highest number of votes will be declared elected. In case of a tie, the President of the Union shall have a deciding vote.


The rules governing IUSSP elections can be found in article 11 of the Constitution.