The 2014 European Population Conference
Budapest, Hungary, 25-28 June 2014

The 2014 European Population Conference (EPC 2014) took place in Budapest, Hungary from 25 to 28 June 2014, organized by European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) and the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI). The special theme of the conference was “Transitions: opportunities and threats”. The Opening Plenary Session focused on this theme with four keynote presentations by David S. Reher (Revisiting the theory of demographic transition), Melinda Mills (New approaches to examining family transitions in Europe), France Meslé (Mortality/health crisis in post-communist societies) and Zsolt Spéder (An overlooked aspect of the post-communist fertility transition).
The EPC 2014 brought together around 1,000 participants from all corners of Europe and the world, representing a wide range of disciplines and covering the many exciting dimensions of population research: about 550 papers were presented in 116 regular sessions.
All papers are available on the EPC 2014 scientific programme website.

The majority of participants were affiliated to research institutions in Western Europe (36%), followed by researchers from Eastern Europe (21%) and participants from outside Europe (18%). The proportion of the latter has increased constantly compared to the previous EPCs in Stockholm 2012 and Vienna 2010. Most participants from outside Europe were based in the United States, but the EPC 2014 was also attended by researchers from Australia, Japan, Brazil, and from several African countries including Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa.

The EAPS Council takes great pride that its flagship event continues to develop as one of the leading scientific gatherings in the field. The next EPC will be held in Mainz, Germany from 31 August to 3 September 2016.
See also IUSSP's special session dedicated to the Laureate ceremony in honour of Thérèse Locoh.
[Photos above were taken by Domonkos Orbán and Zsuzsa Pető.]