The Third Asian Population Association Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26-30 July 2015 The Third Asian Population Association Conference was organized by University of Malaya, from 26 to 30 July 2015 at Berjaya Times Square, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The 2015 APA conference brought together approximately 600 participants from 44 countries throughout Asia and from all over the world to explore and share experiences on a broad range of population issues of relevance to the nations and people of the region.

The eight main themes of the conference were: 1. Population Size, Growth, Distribution or Characteristics issues (including children
 and youth, gender, population ageing)2. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health 3. Mortality, Morbidity, Cause of Death, 4. Internal and International Migration, Urbanization 5. Marriage, Family, Kinship, Religion 6. Demographic Theory and Methods 7. Interdisciplinary Studies, Education, Labour, Economics and Development 8. Other, including Disability, Environment, Wellbeing and Happiness, etc. The 3rd APA Conference in numbers: - 1,634 submissions to the call for abstracts - 2 pre-conference activities: - 1 workshop conducted by the scientific committee of the APA 
- 6 special sessions - 5 plenary sessions - 77 parallel oral sessions - 271 oral presentations - 195 posters - 8 international exhibitors and 7 locals - 426 international participants - 150 local participants
IUSSP at the APA Conference
The IUSSP had reserved a booth where France Meslé, IUSSP Secretary General, welcomed many conference participants interested in the activities of our association. Sureeporn Punpuing, IUSSP Council member but also Executive Secretary of the APA, lent her a hand, as did two past IUSSP presidents present at the APA conference Peter McDonald and Jacques Vallin (see photos below).
On the stand, visitors were able to keep abreast of the various activities of the IUSSP (scientific panels, discussions around the Data Revolution, training workshops). The next International Population Conference to be held in Cape Town in 2017 attracted a lot of attention and many visitors were eager to submit a paper and attend. It was also an oppor-tunity for IUSSP members from Asia (and other regions) to pay their membership dues directly in dollars or euros.
As for the last meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), IUSSP had offered the other regional associations to share the stand; ALAP and AIDELF were thus able to disseminate information on their respective forthcoming conferences.
More photos of the APA Conference

