2019 African Population Conference

Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019


The next African Population Conference, organized by the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) will take place in Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019.


Online registration for the 8th African Population Conference is now open. Review fees here before making payment. 


Kindly visit the conference website www.8apc2019.org for all information about the conference, venue, registration, exhibition, hotels, how to plan your trip, etc.


In case of any questions after going through the conference website, kindly contact the UAPS Secretariat at uaps@uaps-uepa.org


The IUSSP will be organizing 3 sessions at the conference and will have a booth where information will be available on the Call for Papers for the next International Population Conference in Hyderabad, India 5-10 December 2021.


  • Session on Couples' Reproductive Health and Fertility organized by the IUSSP Panel on Couples' Reproductive Health and Fertility. The session is organized by Visseho Adjiwanou (Université du Québec à Montréal / University of Cape Town) and Ambrose Akinlo (Obafemi Awolowo University / University of Texas Health Science Center). 

For more information on the schedule please visit the APC website.