The Case for a World Migration SurveyMarcela Cerrutti, Philippe Fargues and Mariama Awumbila
The WMS is designed with the potential to capture both outward and inward migrant stocks and flows of the countries it covers. Employing a uniform methodology in all countries, the WMS will serve many purposes, including providing retrospective and biographical information to reconstruct migration trajectories, generating information that traditional migration data sources fail to fully capture; monitoring migrants´ access to rights; and providing evidence on migration impacts, particularly across the global South.
This Policy & Research Paper greatly benefited from input from the members of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy (2018-2021) as well as from participants in various sessions focusing on the prospects for a WMS which the Panel organized at the Second Asian Population Forum (Shanghai, October 2019), the African Population Conference (Entebbe, November 2019), the International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) (Cairo, January 2020), the Online African School of Migration Statistics (December 2020) and the IX Congress of the Latin American Population Association (ALAP) (December, 2020). |