Thomas LeGrand

Professeur émerite, Démographie (full Professor,Demography)
Université de Montréal (emeritus professor, retired)

Field of Study: Demography, Population and Development, Public Health/ Epidemiology
Specialization: Data Collection and Processing, Fertility, Marriage, Divorce and Consensual Unions, Population and Development, Population and Environment, Reproductive Health (Family Planning)
Regional focus: Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), University of Michigan, Economics, 1989
Working languages: English
French, Spanish
Other association membership in population or related fields: Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française (AIDELF), Latin American Population Association (ALAP), Population Association of America (PAA), Union for African Population Studies (UAPS)
Other association membership in population or related fieldsAssociation des démographes du Québec (ADQ)
Canadian Population Society (CPS)
Federation of Canadian Demographers (FCD)
Curriculum Vitae:
Professional Summary:

Tom LeGrand is president of the IUSSP and recently retired from his position of full professor in the Département de démographie of the Université de Montréal, where he has worked since 1991. He has directed the PhD dissertations of 26 students and 5 Msc students (most from Africa), and oversaw the work of 13 postdoctoral fellows. Grants he has received total roughly $CAN 24 million. He has been member of the IUSSP council since 2005, is a member of the PAA International Outreach Committee and previously the Early Achievement Award Committee, and served as vice-president of the Federation of Canadian Demographers. His research has focused on relations between fertility and child mortality, adolescent transitions to adulthood, sexuality and marriage, aging and retirement, reproductive health, the demographic dividend, and the use of new types of data and methods, primarily in low and middle-income countries (sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil, Bangladesh…). 



T. Moultrie, T. LeGrand, R. Quint and E. Samman (2015). “DefiningandsuccessfullyaccomplishingtheDataRevolution: Theperspectiveofdemographers”, reproduced inPopulation and Development Review, 41(1):172-177.

M. Bougma, T. LeGrand and J-F Kobiané (2015)Fertility Decline and Child Schooling in Urban Settings of Burkina Faso”, Demography, 52(1):281-313.

F. Juarez and T. LeGrand (2005). “Factors influencing boys’ age at first intercourse and condom use in the shantytowns of Recife, Brazil”, Studies in Family Planning 36(1):57-70.

T. LeGrand, T. Koppenhaver, N. Mondain and S. Randall (2003). “Reassessing the insurance effect: A qualitative analysis of fertility behavior in Senegal and Zimbabwe” Population and Development Review 29(3):375-403. 

T. LeGrand and M. Barbieri (2002).  “The possible effects of child survival on women's ages at first union and childbirth in sub-Saharan Africa”, European Journal of Population, 18(4):361-386.

T. LeGrand and J. Phillips (1996). “The effect of fertility reductions on infant and child mortality: Evidence from Matlab in rural Bangladesh”, Population Studies 50(1):51-68.