Laura R. Wong

Researcher and Full Professor of Demography

Field of Study: Demography, Population and Development, Public Health/ Epidemiology
Specialization: Age and Sex Structure, Ageing, Data Collection and Processing, Estimates and Projections, Fertility, Mortality, Health, and Longevity, Reproductive Health (Family Planning)
Regional focus: Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Southeast Asia
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), , Demography, 1993
Other association membership in population or related fieldsBrazilian Association for Population Studies (ABEP) - Peruvian Association for Population Studies (APDP)
Peruvian Association for Population Studies
Brazilian Association for Population Studies (ABEP)
Working languages: Spanish
Portuguese (Brazil), English
Other association membership in population or related fields: Asian Population Association (APA), Latin American Population Association (ALAP), Population Association of America (PAA)
Professional Summary:

My basic formation is in Sociology (PUC-Peru);  MSc equivalent by CELADE/Chile; and  PhD in Medical Demography by LSHTM. I have interests in demographic analyses applied to incomplete data and use of indirect techniques. Data evaluation (census and vital statistics), together with fertility and maternal mortality and reproductive health in general,  has been, very often my research focus. My other area of interest is the demographic dynamics of the population approaching the aging process in developing countries and their consequences, particularly those most socially vulnerable. As for the Population Studies Associations, I have been General Secretary  of the Brazilian Population for Population Studies (ABEP)  and President of the Latin American Association for Population Studies



·   VASCONCELOS, J. S.B.; WONG L. L. R. ; BARBIERI, A. F. -  Comportamiento reproductivo y anticonceptivo de dos cohortes de mujeres de una región de frontera agrícola en la Amazonia brasileña. (Reproductive and contraceptive behavior of two cohorts of women from an agricultural frontier region in the Brazilian Amazon) NOTAS DE POBLACIÓN (IMPRESA), v. 111, p. 189-216, 2020.


·     WONG L. L. R.; CARVALHO, J.A.M..; BARRIOS, M. L. ; FERREIRA C. V. . Reconstitución de la población menor de cinco años mediante la ecuación compensadora: estimación de subcobertura y omisión en el Censo Demográfico brasileño de 2010.(Reconstitution of the population under five years old using the demographic balancing equation: undercoverage and omission in the 2010 Brazilian Demographic Census) NOTAS DE POBLACIÓN (IMPRESA), v. 109, p. 11-40, 2019.


·     WONG L. L. R. ; PERPÉTUO, I. H. O.Uma Visão Transversal e Longitudinal de Quatro Décadas de Queda de Fecundidade no Brasil. In: Ministério da Saúde [A longitudinal and Cross-Sectional approach to four decades of the Brazilian fertility decline]- Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento. (Org.). Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Criança e da Mulher - PNDS 2006. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2009, v. , p. 72-86.


·         WONG L. L. R.; CARVALHO, J.A,M. (1998). Demographic and socio-economic implications of rapid fertility decline in Brazil: A window of opportunity. In: Martine G. (Org.). Reproductive Change in India and Brazil. : Oxford University Press, 1998, v. 1, p. 208-240.


·     POOL, I.; WONG L. L. R. Age-Structural Changes and Policy: an Emerging Issue. In: Ian Pool; Wong, L. Vilquin E. (Org.). Age-Structural Transitions Challenges for Development. 1ed.Paris: CICRED, 2005, v. 1.  

Honorary or professional positions and awards:
Academic Award from CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal de Educação Superior/ Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination - 2018) for the supervision of the best doctoral thesis in the area of Urban Planning, Demography and Regional Development Areas.

Honorary member of the Peruvian Association for Population Studies.
Research grants:
Last 20-year period:

• Prospective analysis of reproductive behavior and its demographic consequences in populations at different development stages (CNPq (Brazilian Agency for Sciences and Technology) - 2020-2023.

• Diagnostic of Aging Process for planning - Municipality of Belo Horizonte – MG - Brazil –(2016-2018)

• Modern Latin America fertility and infant mortality patterns and trends CNPq, 2015-2018

• Demographic Analyses of the Afghan SDES Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey – GoIRA/UNFPA- 2015-2017

• Fertility: contemporary issues based on the sustained fertility decline in developing countries - with emphasis on Brazil and Latin America. CNPq, 2005-2014