Albert Esteve

Director and Senior research fellow
Center for Demographic Studies (Barcelona)

Field of Study: Population and Development
Specialization: Age and Sex Structure, Data Collection and Processing, Families and Households, Fertility, Household and Housing, Marriage, Divorce and Consensual Unions
Regional focus: Latin America and the Caribbean, Western Europe
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Demography, 2003
Working languages: Spanish
Other association membership in population or related fields: European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), Latin American Population Association (ALAP), Population Association of America (PAA)
Professional Summary:

Albert Esteve demographer and researcher is director of the Center for Demographic Studies-CED and Professor at the Department of Sociology-UAB. He has done research stays at the University of Minnesota, at the Institute National d'Études Démographiques in Paris and at Princeton University. He has been a fellow of the Ramón y Cajal program at the CED. He has obtained funding for research from the Government's National R&D Plan, from the Generalitat of Catalonia, and from the different framework programs of the European Union. He has obtained an Advanced Grant CORESIDENCE, project funded by the European Research Council. Investigates aspects related to demographics, marriage formation, marriage markets and the structure of households, both nationally and internationally. His participation in research infrastructure projects related to the harmonization and dissemination of microdata of the Population Censuses, a task he carries out in close collaboration with the Population Center of the University of Minnesota. His works can be read in journals such as Annual Review of Sociology, World Development, Population Development Review or Demography, among others. He has been the editor of the European Journal of Population and currently is the Rector of the European Doctoral School in Demography.



• Esteve, Albert, Maria Pohl, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano, Joan García-Román, David Reher, Rita Trias-Prats, and Anna Turu. 2024. ‘A Global Perspective on Household Size and Composition, 1970–2020’. Genus 80(2). doi: 10.1186/s41118-024-00211-6.
• Esteve, Albert, and David S. Reher. 2024. ‘Trends in Living Arrangements Around the World’. Population and Development Review 50(1):211–32. doi: 10.1111/padr.12603.
• Trias-Prats, Rita, and Albert Esteve. 2024. Rising Female-Headed Households: Shifts in Living Arrangements or Heightened Gender Symmetry? Population and Development Review.
• Galeano, Juan, Albert Esteve, Anna Turu, Joan García-Roman, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Maria Pohl, and Rita Trias-Prats. 2024. ‘CORESIDENCE: National and Subnational Data on Household Size and Composition around the World, 1964–2021’. Scientific Data 11(1):145. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-02964-3.
• J Van Bavel, CR Schwartz, A Esteve.2018. The reversal of the gender gap in education and its consequences for family life. Annual Review of Sociology 44, 341-360

Honorary or professional positions and awards:
• 2022-present. Rector of the European Doctoral School of Demography- EDSD.

• 2022-2025. Elected Council Member for Europe (IUSSP).

• 2021-present. Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Population-EJP .

• 2019-present. Director of the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD), Barcelona.

• 2018-present. Member of the Steering Committee of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Family Behaviour in East Asia and Southern Europe: Trends, Socioeconomic Differences, and the Role of Social, Economic, Political, Cultural, and Historical Context.

• 2018-2020. Editor in chief European Journal of Population. EAPS (3 years’ period)
Research grants:
•José Castillejo Award. Estancias de profesores e investigadores sénior en centros extranjeros, incluido el Programa "Salvador de Madariaga" 2015. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain. PRX 15/00504. University of Minnesota, USA, 01/07/2016 - 30/09/2016.

• Acreditation as a ‘Recerca Avançada’, Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2016.

• 2015 Narcis Monturiol Award to the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics. This is an award from the Catalan Government that honors individuals and organizations that have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology in Catalonia. Barcelona (SPAIN), February, 11th 2016

• Acreditation as a ‘Profesor Agregado’, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education, 2013.

• Accreditation as a 'Tenured associate professor', Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency, October 2012.

• Visiting Research Fellowship, Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University, September 2012.

• I3 Research fellowship, Ministry of Science and Education of Spain, 2012-2014.

• Ramon y Cajal individual research fellowship, Ministry of Science and Education of Spain, 2007 –2011

• Outstanding Service Award, IPUMS Workgroup, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, November 2004

•Post doctoral fellowship, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, July 2003 – December 2004

• Foreign research fellowship from the Ministry of Education of Spain to study/research at the Minnesota Population Center, January-December 2001

• Pre-doctoral fellowship, Ministry of Education of Spain to pursue doctoral studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (SPAIN) in Demography, 1999-2002.

• Extraordinary candidate performance award from the Government of Spain for graduating at the top of my Geography class, 1998, Autonomous University of Barcelona (SPAIN).