Ndola Prata
Bixby Center, UC Berkeley
Ndola Prata is a public health physician and medical demographer from Angola; medical degree from the University of Angola and an MSc in medical demography from LSH&TM. She began her career practicing medicine in Angola for 10 years and served as Head of the Social Statistics Department at the National Institute of Statistics of Angola. Shortly after moving to the US, while beginning her tenure at UC Berkeley, she served as a Demographer/Analyst for CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health for six years, a role she resumed briefly from 2010 to 2011. Current research is based in sub-Saharan Africa, she is especially interested in reproductive and maternal health, gender, women’s health and empowerment and adolescent voice and agency. Her research focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions that maximize distribution and financing mechanisms to increase access and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services, particularly for the underserved populations.
Selected Publications:
Hobday K, Prata N, Hulme J, Homer CS. (2021). Preventing post-partum haemorrhage at home during COVID-19: what are we waiting for? Lancet Glob Health. 2021 Mar;9(3):e245-e246.
Weidert K, Tekou KB, Prata N. (2020). Quality of Long-acting Reversible Contraception Provision in Lomé, Togo. Open Access J Contracept. 2020 Sep 23;11:135-145.
Hunter LA, Prata N, Eskenazi B, Njau PF, McCoy SI. (2020). Transportation cost as a barrier to contraceptive use among women initiating treatment for HIV in Tanzania. AIDS Care. 2020 May 6:1-8.
Pleasants E, Koffi TB, Weidert K, McCoy SI, Prata N. (2019). Are Women In Lomé Getting Their Desired Methods Of Contraception? Understanding Provider Bias From Restrictions To Choice. Open Access J Contracept. 2019 Dec 5;10:79-88.
Bloget M, Weidert K, Prata N (2018). Do Perceived Contraception Attitudes influence abortion stigma? Evidence from Luanda, Angola. Social Science and Medicine Population Health. May 2018 17:5:38- 47.
Member, Advisory Board, Population and Sustainability Network
Member, Advisory Board, Merck for Mothers
Member, Advisory Board, EVIHDAF
Member, Board of Directors We Care Solar
Member (vice chair) Committee of Protection of Human Subjects, University of California Berkeley
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Biosocial Science
Member, Editorial Board International Environmental Research and Public Health, Women’s Health section
1. Telemedicine for reproductive health services in Rwanda
Goal of project: The goal of this project is to test a model to establish telemedicine services for reproductive health so clients would not have to be transferred to the district hospital for certain procedures. Role: PI.
2.One Health Workforce
The goal of this project is to enable the Africa and South East Asia University networks to become global leaders in delivering a sustainable One Health workforce while integrating Gender at all levels of programming. Role: Co-Investigator and Gender Lead.