Cuiling Zhang is an Senior Research Fellow of Demographic Modelling Laboratory at China Population and Development Research Center and a visiting scholar at the Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) in 2017-2018. Her research interests lie in fertility, low fertility, birth timing, gender and family, reproductive health in China. She has presented parts of her research findings in several international conferences, for instance the annual meeting of Population Association of America, the British Society of Population Studies, and the Europe Population Conference and delivered a panel speech at the 2015 annual conference of China Population Association.
Jiang, Q., & Zhang, C. (2021). Recent sex ratio at birth in China. BMJ global health, 6(5), e005438.
Zhang, C., Sobotka, T. Drastic changes in fertility level and timing in response to marriage and fertility policies: evidence from Shandong province, China. China popul. dev. stud. 5, 191–214 (2021).
2017 Abroad Visiting Researcher Program (14 Months), Chinese Scholarship Council
2007 Scholarship for Demographic Training in Cairo Demographic Center (12 months), Partners in Population and Development (An inter-governmental organization for promoting south-south cooperation)
2006 Scholarship for Training Workshop on Gender and Human Rights, UNFPA China