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Pregnancy Rate and Demographic Characteristics of Unmarried Pregnant Women Aged 15-24 in China, 2009

This study provides a population-based national estimate of the pregnancy rate in unmarried women (aged 15-24) and explores their demographic characteristics compared to their sexually active but non-pregnant counterparts.
In 2009, the National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Unmarried Youth in China included 10,970 unmarried women (aged 15-24). Random forest classification was applied to select the most important characteristics from 16 factors including individual-, household- and societal-level characteristics.
In 2009, the pregnancy rate (reported) in China was 20.85 pregnancies per 1,000 unmarried women aged 15-24. In descending order, age, family income and parental occupations were the key characteristics that distinguished the two groups.
The first national estimate of the pregnancy rate in unmarried youth in China was assessed as relatively low. Unmarried pregnancy in China is associated with a low accessibility to contraceptives. Instrumental factors are the important determinants of unmarried pregnancy in China.
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53 301
Language (Translated)
Title (Translated)
Taux de grossesse et caractéristiques démographiques des femmes enceintes non mariées âgées de 15 à 24 ans en Chine, 2009
Abstract (Translated)
Cette étude vise à obtenir une estimation nationale du taux de grossesse chez les femmes non mariées (âgées de 15 à 24 ans) à partir des données de recensement, et explore leurs caractéristiques démographiques par rapport à leurs congénères sexuellement actives mais non enceintes. En 2009, l'Enquête nationale sur la santé sexuelle et reproductive des jeunes non mariés en Chine portait sur 10 970 femmes non mariées âgées de 15 à 24 ans. Une classification aléatoire par la méthode Random Forest a été appliquée pour sélectionner les caractéristiques les plus importantes parmi 16 facteurs, y compris les caractéristiques au niveau de l'individu, du ménage ou de la société. Les résultats obtenus en 2009 montrent que le taux de grossesse (signalées) en Chine était de 20,85 grossesses pour 1 000 femmes non mariées âgées de 15 à 24 ans. Par ordre descendant, l'âge, le revenu de la famille et la profession des parents sont les principales caractéristiques qui distinguent les deux groupes. Les premières estimations nationales du taux de grossesse chez les jeunes non mariés en Chine indiquent que celui-ci est assez faible. Les grossesses des jeunes femmes non mariées en Chine sont associées à une difficulté d'accès aux contraceptifs. En Chine, les grossesses des jeunes femmes non mariées en Chine sont principalement déterminées par des facteurs instrumentaux.
Status (Translated)
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial First Choice
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1 000
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Key predictor of accessibility to abortion services of unmarried young women in China

Purpose: This study aimed to assess the key factors predicting admission of unmarried young women to medical facilities for abortion services in China.
Methods: The National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Unmarried Youth (15-24 years) was conducted in 2009 in China. Of the female respondents (n=10,970), 270 reported needing abortion services in 2009. Classification by random forest was applied to select the most important of 34 variables.
Results: Among the 270 unmarried young women who were in need of abortion services, 165 were admitted to medical facilities, and 105 were not. Psychosocial competence ranked highest and was verified as most important of nine perspectives in predicting admission to medical facilities for abortion services (accuracy rate 89.2%, sensitivity 90.2%, and specificity 86.2%).
Conclusions: Psychosocial competence stands out as an important component of the utilization of abortion services among unmarried young women.
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34 860
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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The impact of contraceptive failure on unintended births and induced abortions

Using data from 20 recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), we estimate 1) the impact of contraceptive failure on unintended births and induced abortions, and 2) levels of unintended births and induced abortions that could be achieved if current family planning users adopted more effective contraceptive methods. We use multiple-decrement life tables to calculate contraceptive failure rates and simulate alterations of the contraceptive method mix in each country. Results show the contribution of contraceptive failure to unintended births and induced abortions to be substantial. On average, 31% of births from unintended pregnancies and 53% of induced abortions resulted from contraceptive failure. Simulations show that if all women who currently use contraceptives began using the most effective (long-acting or permanent) method to meet their fertility intentions, the level of unintended births would decrease by an average of 27%, and the level of induced abortion could be cut in half.
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51 453
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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The Russian legislation on abortions and choice of women in case of unintended pregnancy

Public interest to issue of abortions availability in Russia became actively discussed though ones are legalized since 1920. The increase in birth rates at depopulation and abortions number reduction are considered to be the main. The increase of traditional family values is result of confessional influence. The ideas of restrictive abortions’ legislation are always heard although the official data testifies more than its triple reduction in 1991-2011 to 1124880. «The WHO Strategic Assessment of Policy, Programs and Services in Abortions and Contraception in the RF» (22 focus-groups+549 respondents, 3 Regions), «The Attitudes of Russian Women in making the decision on the childbirth» (1007 respondents, 7 Federal Districts) showed that nonetheless of contraception, abortion ceases to be an individual family size regulator, remaining compulsory measure of «unnecessary» pregnancies termination. Only every seventh respondent is ready to keep unintended pregnancy at state prohibition. Others will achieve abortion by all means (traditional medicine, «abortion-tourism» etc). This decision doesn't connect with social, age, confessional parameters causing only by the desire. Women are looking to «improvement of financial situation» (51%), «support of the husband/partner» (48%) in addition to quality medical care for reproductive choice.
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55 763
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Unmet need for contraception among men in Zambia: Implications for Family Planning Programmes

Despite the concept of unmet need for contraception undergoing some considerable revision and refinement, research has continued emphasizing on women largely ignoring men. However, it is unacceptable to ignore men’s unmet need considering that reducing it translates into lowering fertility. Including men in family planning programmes and research cannot be overlooked if challenges related to reproductive health, unmet need inclusive, are to be effectively addressed. Using 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey, we estimated the level of unmet need for currently married men and examined its determinants. Results indicate that unmet need for spacing, limiting and total was 28.0%, 19.5% and 47.5%, respectively. Men’s educational attainment and exposure to family planning messages in media were the most important determinants of unmet need for spacing, whereas number of living children and region of residence were the most important determinants of unmet need for limiting. Other factors associated with unmet need were age (35-49 and 50-59) and wealth (rich). Married men in Zambia have a high level of unmet need. Family planning services are not meeting men’s demand for family planning. Concerted efforts should be made for family planning programmes to specifically target men as contraceptive users.
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34 879
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Correlates of unmet need for contraception in Zambia: A look at community-level determinants

About 200 million women of reproductive age in developing countries have unmet need for contraception (unmet need). Family planning is key in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It can among other things, curb the AIDS pandemic and reduce infant mortality. Zambia’s unmet level of 27% is higher than the average for sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding correlates of unmet need is crucial to reducing the risk of having unmet need. Previous studies have largely ignored community factors and yet these are more effective policy informing instruments. The study used the 2007 Zambia Demographic Health Survey to examine the role of community- level determinants in explaining differentials in unmet need among currently married women. In view of the nested nature of the data, the study employed the multilevel analytic technique. About 38% of the women belonged to the Bemba/Mambwe ethnic group. The percentage of those with secondary or higher education was 26.9%. Unmet need was highest among women with primary education (66.5%). Rural women had more unmet need compared to urban ones. The random effects at the community level were 47%. There are big differences in unmet need across communities. Therefore, there is need to contextualise family planning services in Zambia.
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34 819
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial Second Choice
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Sociodemographics and Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Married Rural Farmers in Southwestern Nigeria

Nigeria has seen its infant under five and maternal mortality rates rise to sky high values of 105 and 191 per 1000 live births and 1000 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. United Nations report showed that 14% of the world’s deaths related to childbearing are in Nigeria and nearly one in six maternal childbirth deaths globally occurs in Nigeria. This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes and perception of the male farmers towards family planning and correlates the respondents’ knowledge with attitudinal assessment and practices on family planning. Data was collected randomly using a pretested and structured questionnaire on 401 married male farmers in three south-western states. The data analysis revealed that 48.9% of the farmers had poor knowledge and 20.2% had very poor knowledge about family planning. Only 1.7% had good knowledge. Education, occupation and previous number of children are positively related to knowledge of family planning while income had negative correlation among the farmers. The study recommends introduction of basic family planning education into the primary school curriculum and in the extension services to the farmers and as well motivate farmers to participate in Lifelong learning. Mass media could be employed to raise men’s awareness about family planning in the sub region.
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53 615
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial First Choice
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1 000
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Association between economic status and fertility regulation among couples- An evidence from India

Indian Family Planning programme has bestowed great deal of responsibility on women over the past five decades. However, it is well known that fertility decision making in traditional rural and patriarchal societies to a great deal be influenced by husbands and other family members. We examine the factors related to the use of contraception and preferred duration of child spacing among economically poor and nonpoor couples in India.

We use the couple data (N=39257) from the third round of National Family Health Survey (Indian version of DHS) conducted in 2005-06. We use wealth index and clubbed the lowest two categories of wealth index (poorest & poorest) to define poor and highest three categories (middle, richer & richest) to define nonpoor couples. We used logistic regression models to predict the likelihood of contraceptive use among couples. We also used ordered logistic regression models to examine the effect of socioeconomic and demographic factors on the length of child spacing.

We found significant differences in the use of contraceptive methods and preferred duration of birth interval among poor and non-poor couples in India. On average, poor couples are more likely to have sorter birth interval and opted for sterilization to restrict child bearing. On the contrary, couples from nonpo
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49 844
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Underreporting Of Induced Abortions: National And Regional Level Estimates For India

Abortion, in India is generally stigmatized and is thus subject to considerable underreporting. An attempt has therefore been made in this study to estimate the extent of these clandestine abortions by using Bongaart's model from the data on MTPs available from the National Family Health Survey for four major states of India viz., Punjab, Gujarat, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu as well as the country as a whole. The estimated value of Ca or index of induced abortion was found to be 0.918 for NFHS I and 0.929 for NFHS II. The findings show that the estimated number of abortions has declined during the six-year period i.e. from NFHS I to NFHS II. The underreported abortions have been found to be 5,59220 for NFHS I and 4,15489 for NFHS II. Out of every 100 officially reported abortions 92 are underreported in NFHS I and 81 in NFHS II.
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48 266
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Does First Pregnancy is Unintended in Poor Settings of Northern India? Perspectives from married couples in Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh

The objective of this study was to explore the perceptions towards fist pregnancy and contraceptive use among married couples. Information was collected in 2011 from currently married women aged 15-34 years and their husbands. A total of 964 women and 497 men were interviewed. Mean age of women was 25 years and 39% had started cohabitating before their 15th birthday. 73% were non-literate, 38% were exposed to any mass media and mean number of children ever born was 3.3. About four-year difference in education was found between men and women, with men having completed an average of 6.6 years and women 2.9 years of schooling.

Unmet need for first pregnancy was high (56%) as their family members wanted fist child to be soon after marriage (husband 15% and mother-in-law (34%). Only one-third of men discussed about family planning with their wives before first pregnancy. Logistic regression reveals that women were significantly less likely to have first child after marriage (odds ratio-0.825) than men. Findings reveal that perception towards first pregnancy was strongly drives by men. In order to enhance family planning use as well as bringing down the unmet need for fist pregnancy, inter-spousal communication may be promoted as strategically.
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Event ID
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34 829
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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