Educational attainment and growing up of unmarried youth in selected states of India: A gendered perspective

This paper tries to study the gender differences in educational status of unmarried youth in India and to find out the role of education and gender on process of growing up using the data from “Youth in India: Situation and Needs 2006-2007”. Bi-variate and multi-variate techniques are used to find out the level of literacy among youth, reasons for not attending the school, gender differences in dropping out in school and percent distribution of type of school in various states and sex. Result shows that one fifth youth in Bihar are illiterate against only 1 percent in selected southern states. Main reason for non- attendance of schools in Bihar are economic. Majority of the youth are attending government schools. Maximum number of youth discusses about their school performance with father is relatively more than with mother. A huge gender gap is visible in discussion of growing up issues with parents. When more than 70 percent girls discuss it with mother, it is rather negligible by young boys. The multinomial logistic regression analysis shows that good communication with father is found to be significantly higher among male compared to females and also highly significant with the higher level of education. Less communication with father shows similar result.
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55 873
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Reducing Inequality or Creating greater Gap? Gender Differences in Cognitive Development and the Hong Kong Secondary School Places Allocation System Reform

In 2002, the Hong Kong Secondary School Places Allocation System made an important policy shift. The old strategy which allocated boys and girls separately was replaced by a new strategy which allocated boys and girls together. Using the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) data and a DDD (difference-in difference- in differences) approach, this paper investigates the influence of the change of SSPA system on the within-school gender gaps in mathematics and science literacy. This research will have both essential theoretical and policy implications. Regarding of theoretical implication, we can contribute new evidences to the existing theoretical controversy on the gender differences in cognitive development. Regarding of policy implication, we can offer practical suggestions to the policy of secondary school allocation, and also provide valuable reference for the ongoing educational reform in Mainland China and other areas.
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24 050
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Reducing Inequality or Creating greater Gap? Gender Difference in Cognitive Development and the Hong Kong Secondary School Places Allocation System Reform

In 2002, the Hong Kong Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) System made an important policy shift. The old strategy which allocates boys and girls separately was replaced by a new strategy that allocates boys and girls together. Using the HKPISA data, this paper investigates the within-school gender gaps in reading, mathematics and science literacy before and after the change of the SSPA system. Although girls consistently perform better in reading and perform worse in mathematics and science, surprisingly, we found that the within-school gender gaps in mathematics and science significantly increased instead of decreased as expected after the educational reform. Why a policy aimed to reduce gender inequality actually created greater gender gap? There’re two competing theories that can explain this puzzle. In order to examine these two alternative theories, we further use TIMSS2007 and PISA2009 data to focus on a certain cohort, and look into their cognitive gender difference at 8th grade and 10th grade.
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53 592
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Gender Disparity in Child Care in India

This paper aims to assess gender discrimination in childcarepractices in India and its EAG states. It also investigates whether this discrimination is declining with time or not. For this purpose data are taken from base line of Annual Health Survey (AHS) conducted in 2010-11. The indicators of child-care considered in this study are: immunization of children, duration of breastfeeding, health care of sick children, nutritional status, mortality of children in differentages, and their educational attainment. A gender disparity index is prepared for each indicator and states are ranked on the basis of this index. EAG states are also ranked on the basis of other indicators of socio-economic development and relationship between gender disparity and socio-economic indicators is explained.
Results of the study show that gender disparity has declined in only some spheres of child-care. For example, at the national level, difference in the proportion of male and female children who did not receive any vaccination declined. The male-female difference in the median duration of breast-feeding remained at the same level. Differences in neonatal mortality have reduced, whereas differences in infant and under-five mortality are almost at the same level. The gap between proportion of male and female children age 6-17 attending school
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48 760
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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High Achievement in Education but Low Participation of Labour Force: a case of Females in Sri Lanka

During the past four decades, level of education of females in Sri Lanka has enhanced rapidly. However, along with the increase of female education throughout the country, their participation of labour has not increased. The paper is to explore the reasons behind the low female labour force participation despite having high achievements in the education. Using secondary data and key informant interviews on Sri Lankan labour market, study found, issues on the education system, high female unemployment, narrowed choices of training programmes available to females, labour market structure, multiple roles of females and availability of child caring facilities as main factors that lower the female participation in the labour force in Sri Lanka. Migration of females to Middle-Eastern countries for employment might also have created a shortage of potential females to the local labour markets.
The age structure transition has produced a demographic dividend, covering the period 1991-2017, which is conducive for an economic takeoff of the country. In order to capitalize this dividend, female participation of productive employment is a crucial parameter. Since this is a rare opportunity, the policy makers should develop appropriate policies to enhance the participation of females in the Sri Lankan labour markets immediately
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49 033
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“Changing contours of Gender relations amongst tribal communities hin the context of transforming livelihood pattern in Jharkhand, India.”

Several studies have been conducted to understand tribal societies and their socio economic living conditions in India. Post the 1990s; these studies have an intense focus on assessing the impact of development efforts on tribal societies. These studies for northern and eastern regions of India have revealed extensive deprivation, marginalization and land alienation being experienced by tribal societies due the rapid process of industrialization initiated after the 1990s. In addition to these they are also gradually experiencing a shift in the traditional set up which is jeopardizing their culture and identity. These changes bear critical consequences especially for women making them doubly marginalized and vulnerable.

The paper analyzes the nature and dimensions of relationship between men and women and their relationship with institutions in tribal communities in Jharkhand. It also attempts to understand, in the light of their changing engagements in livelihood activities, the varied consequences for tribal women and how the tribal communities perceives and responds to these emerging changes. Several scholars have considered the gender relations in tribal societies to be equitable and that tribal women experiencing ultimate freedom. A culturally more nuanced lens provides the different shades and patterns of gen
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56 006
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Declining child sex ratio in India: a systematic review

Census of India 2011 registers decline in child sex ratio to 914 compared to 927 in 2001 which is a cause for concern for the country. This paper is a systematic review of decline in child sex ratio in India within the period of last 16 years i.e. from 1995 to 2011 as it was found that post 1990’s the decline in the ratio was more pronounced .The review attempts to analyse the literature available so as to know which were the areas covered while studying the subject and what needs to be done to understand the reasons behind the declining ratio. The study finds that most of the studies were all India level studies based on secondary data despite the fact that this problem was more pronounced in certain regions. Special focus on child sex ratio was missing in most of the studies relating to sex ratio. It was also found that only a few studies based on primary data at village or district level have been conducted which leaves a research gap to be filled.It appears that there is a need to have more regional level expositions of this phenomenon. The regional variation in child sex ratio can be better captured through district level primary research as it has been found that in certain regions the ratio is more skewed.
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55 049
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Teachers Gender-Stereotypes Belief and Practices in the Post Primary Public Schools: A GEMS Study in the Mumbai

Role of teachers is particularly central in the school context: teachers bring their own ideas about gender to the classroom; they may treat students differently based on their own or the student's gender, communicate different expectations for students, assign chores based on sex, and monitor or discipline students differently. This study explores the gender-stereotyped beliefs and perception of secondary school teachers’ in classroom practices. A total of 257 teachers’ participated in this study conducted by International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), as a part of ongoing Gender Equity Movement in Schools (GEMS) Project. A self-administered questionnaire was used to generate responses from teachers on how gender-stereotypes are played out in their classroom practices. Results indicate that most of the teachers surveyed directly or indirectly promote gender-stereotypes. Data reveals that female teachers are more gender equitable than male teacher, regression result depict that female teachers are significantly 3.7 times more gender equitable than their counterpart male teacher. The study recommends that teacher’s education curricula for both pre-service and in-service must be permeated with opportunities to acquire gender sensitivity knowledge, skills and develop attitudes in classroom layout.
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55 982
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Women need on IT, to improve their quality of life

According to the data and gender study from all over the world in the last twenty year, shows women are left behind than man on science and technology especially in education, carrier or participation on decision making, it including in Indonesia, (UNCSTD, 1995 dan UNESCO, 2007). Women disadvantages in science and technology in acess to get benefit on development and science and technology use.

The needs of information for women through IT to support their role in domestic and public are very complex. This study try to figure out women information needs on IT, in different group of women such as household women, enterpreuner and social activist in three different places. FGD was done to those different women groups. Prospective analysis was used to look the prioritiy according women on content in Kendal and Bandung.

This study shows that women needs on information are related with education, health and economy (enterpreuneur). This information also connect with women role in family as a wife or mother. Most of the women are lack of knowledge and access to IT due to: gender role, lack of property rights (such as komputer, internet, handpone), and women tend to high dependency to fulfill information needs from family and other people.
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48 435
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Understanding Women’s Autonomy and Gender Role attitudes in Jharkhand: A comparative Analysis of NFHS 3 Data

The present study seeks to explore major constructs of gender role attitude among women in Jharkhand and it also seems to examine various contexts of women’s autonomy. Thus this study examines the distribution and correlates of two different dimensions of women’s empowerment among women age 15-49 in Jharkhand. These dimensions are women’s participation in household decision-making and their attitude regarding specific inequalities in gender roles. Data used for present study is taken from third round of National Family Health survey (NFHS 3). Jharkhand state file has been used for the present analysis; where women age 15-49 were interviewed in all 2,483 sampled household therefore, information from 2,983 women’s were obtained. In order to ascertain data requirements and articulation of various issues pertaining to gender role attitude and women’s autonomy this paper uses applications of bi-variate and multivariate techniques. Results shows that Women in Jharkhand are disadvantaged absolutely and relative to men in terms of access to education, media exposure, and employment for cash. The majority of married women do not have the final say on the use of their own earnings or all other household decisions asked about. Traditional gender norms, particularly those concerning wife beating, remain strongly entrenched.
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55 903
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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