Dr. Parfait Eloundou Enyegue has accepted to be discussant

Living condition and life style of Mankhurd slum dwellers

A Mankhurd study conducted among 229 slum households of Mumbai indicated that average age of slum dwellers was 26 years. One third was illiterate; fifty two percent had age at marriage 15-19 years and average household size 5.4 persons. Fifty percent men were daily wage workers while women were housemaids. Due to scanty water supply a 20 litre vessel cost them Rs. 5. Ladies used public/common toilet while men/ children preferred open air defecation. They maintained connectivity with their kin at native place and sent remittances. The logistic regression indicated that rich went out for entertainment. Women went less for entertainment. They moved to Mumbai with the help of their relatives/friends and found living arrangement better here. Fifty percent fell sick during last six months mostly from viral infection/fever/malaria. Half of them smoked Bidi/cigarettes while three fourth consumed pan/khaini/gutka and one fourth consumed alcohol. They did so by 20 years of age. Older, primary and above educated, scheduled castes/ tribes, non Hindus and rich consumed more alcohols. The logistic regression indicated that slum dwellers having larger family and Muslims suffered more from any illness but the rich suffered less. Wealth quintiles, caste and religion were significant predi
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49 168
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The French national homelessness survey of 2012

In 2012, the French National Institute of Statistics (INSEE) and the French National Institute of Demography (INED) conducted a national survey on homeless people. The previous one was carried out in 2001: it was the first national homelessness survey in Europe.
The 2012 survey shows some differences compared to the 2001 survey which the presentation will comment on. Indeed, we wanted to approach a larger number of unsheltered homeless. A survey conducted in 2009 in the town of Toulouse showed that other services could be included in the scope of the survey. In addition, we have oversampled services which offered meals. Moreover, we wished to have some information about non French speaking people. Then, we have created a self-administered questionnaire : it existed in 15 languages including French.
The survey sampling is an example of time-location sampling. The survey was carried out with an indirect sampling method: the three degrees of the sampling method, the protocol used to conduct this survey, the weighing method, and their limits will be given.
The first results will be published in France, on March 2013, so the presentation will also describe these results.
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53 500
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Costly Posturing: Ceremonies and Early Child Development in China

Participating in and presenting gifts at funerals, weddings, and other ceremonies held by fellow villagers have been regarded as social norms in many parts of the world for thousands of years. However, it is more burdensome for the poor to take part in these social occasions than for the rich. Because the poor often lack the necessary resources, they are forced to cut back on basic consumption, such as food, in order to afford a gift to attend the social festivals. For pregnant women in poor families, such a reduction in nutrition intake as a result of gift-giving can have a lasting detrimental health impact on their children. Using a primary census-type panel household survey in rural China, this paper first documents the fact that child health status has barely improved in the past decades despite more than double digit of annual per capita income growth. Next, we show that social squeeze plays an important role in explaining this phenomenon. The toll of participating in social events is heavy for the poor - prenatal exposures to social ceremonies would significantly lower the height-for-age z-score of children born to poor families. This finding sheds some light on the Angus Deaton's “food puzzle” as to why the nutritional status of the poor tends to be stagnant amid rapid income growth in developing countries.
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53 475
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Poverty Dynamics and Vulnerability Assessment in Java, Indonesia

The change of one’s poverty status across time is dynamic. This research was performed to review poverty dynamics and to construct vulnerability assessment using panel data taken from Social and Economic Survey which involved four stages. The first stage is to construct model of consumption expenditure using regression model with random effects approach. Second, estimates expected value, variance of consumption expenditure, and determine the poverty line. Third, calculate the probability of household poverty. Fourth, calculate the number of vulnerable households. The profile of a vulnerable household also reviewed there. The results shows that the characteristics of household poverty are: (i) poverty is rural household phenomenons which work at the primary sector, (ii) not poor households whose position is close to the poverty line are more vulnerable. Household and region characteristics, and shock experienced by households influence the household’s consumption expenditure. Vulnerability assessment resulted the percentage of vulnerable households in urban area in 2008, 2009, and 2010 are 8.2 percent, 10.9 percent, and 10.4 percent, while in rural areas are 30.4 percent, 46.1 percent, and 44 percent. These vulnerable households have big family size, low level education, weak economic resources, and experiencing inflation shock.
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53 296
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Determinants of State level Financing of Health: Evidence from Southern Indian States

Using a panel data set for four southern Indian states for the period 1993-94 to 2007-08, the paper empirically examines the important factors determining states’ expenditure on health and observes whether health is a luxury. Double log multiple panel regression equations have been specified for analysis. Feasible generalized least square estimator has been employed to estimate the coefficients with the option of first order panel specific auto-regressions. Per capita aggregate health expenditure and per capita expenditure on medical and public health are alternatively regressed on a set of explanatory variables like per capita GSDP, percapita central transfers from centre, infant mortality rate, population and number of primary health centres. The findings suggest that the change in health spending of the southern Indian states seems to have been determined by the states’ resource capacity, availability of resources in terms of central transfers and due to the pressure from demand side factor like rise in infant mortality rate. The health is not luxury in Indian context, as the income elasticity of aggregate health expenditure is found to be 0.697. The paper calls for strengthening states’ resource capacity, reprioritising budgetary allocation and more specific purpose central grants for increasing states spending on health .
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35 660
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It aims to teach a synthetic way of representing the disparities in living standards in Venezuela, not only at one point, but in a sequence that covers the evolution of the last 35 years. It is not recalculating the importance of poverty, but to put it in the perspective of the overall income distribution, and the prospect of urban-regional disparities that are the ones that have to draw attention to issues of national interest.
The synthesis of results comes not as numeric data, but using a graph constructed in a manner to provide the details in a general physiognomy comparable from one year to another. All data used in this work are taken from the Household Sample Survey (HSS) raised biannually by the National Statistics Institute (INE) continuously since 1967, which is available since 1975 on microdata. The Centro de Investigación Social -CISOR made a direct processing of HSS to ensure comparability of the results in terms appropriate to the purposes of this project "Map and gaps", getting a five-year series of data since1975 to 2010.
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53 392
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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1 000
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Impact of micro-credit programs of leading NGOs/MFIs on poverty alleviation in Bangladesh

Micro-credit has been considered as an economic and social mechanism for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. It is necessary to evaluate the performance of the micro-credit programs of different NGOs/MFIs in alleviating the poverty situation in Bangladesh. The present study considered six leading NGOs namely Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA, CARE international, PROSHIKA and TMSS for in-depth analysis. A total 406 credit receivers were selected randomly for the study. Two-level random intercept binary logistic regression analysis and multinomial logistic regression analysis were used to identify the determinants of change in poverty situation. Alongside the perceived change in poverty situation this study devised a mechanism to estimate the actual change in poverty situation based on the changes in wealth and education levels of the households. The study revealed that 76.1 percent respondents could change their poverty situation (perceive change in poverty situation). About 50.5 percent respondents safely overcame the poverty situation (estimated change in poverty situation). The contributing factors for change in poverty situation were amount of loan, different NGOs, satisfaction level, taken loan before and main means of asset change. Significant community level variation was found. Finally, this study recommended some policies.
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53 358
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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This study presents deprivation in Brazil in a multidimensional perspective with dimensions related to household’s objective information, assets in the household and subjective evaluation concerning the dwelling. It was observed that households with similar income faced different levels of deprivation in many dimensions due to significant differences in household’s expense profiles. In urban areas, households with high levels of food deprivation spend relatively more on household’s rent, taxes and services, indicating that shelter and then food in the household are the very basic needs. Larger relative expenses with food in the household indicated higher levels of deprivation in all other dimensions. In rural areas, low income households could not overcome food deprivation even though they spend higher proportions of their income on this dimension. Moreover, for the other dimensions, larger expenses with food in the household promoted higher levels of deprivation.

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Event ID
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50 620
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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First Choice History
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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