We aim to determine whether duration of breastfeeding predicts linear growth and whether it protects against stunting and other forms of malnutrition using data from a longitudinal study conducted in two slums settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. The study involved 3,047 children aged 24 months and older, born between September 2006 and May 2010. The children were followed since birth and anthropocentric measurements including weight and height of the child taken at four-monthly intervals. The mothers were interviewed on breastfeeding practices and information updated at monthly intervals using a calendar. Preliminary analysis indicates that levels of stunting among children aged less than five years are high at 50%. A substantial proportion of children (15%) cease breastfeeding at the end of infancy. Further planned analysis using multilevel models will indicate whether the duration of breastfeeding is associated with linear growth, and whether it protects against stunting, and other forms of malnutrition.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
49 402
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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