The study is based on the Indonesia 2005 Population Intercensal Survey covering older persons aged 60 years and above in 388 selected districts. The study finds a wide range of percentage of being in good health, from 7% to 68% across districts. Sex, type of districts, and location of the districts are taken into account in the analysis. It shows that the corresponding percentage is generally lower among female elderly population than male elderly. Those living in urban districts, cities, tend to report better health status than those in regencies. Cities located in Java/Bali islands have the highest percentage of elderly in good health than other districts in other islands. Functional capacity varies across districts. Percentage of reporting “no help needed” in functioning physical activities ranges from 30% to 96%. In addition, this study also takes into account different types of ADLs (getting dressed, using toilet, taking a bath, and eating) and IADL (preparing meal). The regression analysis shows that good self-reported health status (SRHS) is significantly associated with overall functional capacity. However, good SRHS is statistically significant with difficulty in bathing and eating, as well as with difficulty in preparing meal.
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48 934
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1 000
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Submitted by Evi.Arifin on