In the aftermath of the year 2012 floods, Nigeria’s poor management of disasters once again played out. The Nigerian government declared about 25 percent of the country’s population displaced. Hundreds drowned in the floods. Persons displaced by flood are camped in thousands of improvised camps under very deplorable conditions. Many of the camps are overcrowded and disease-ridden. At the last count, 22 persons have died in the camps and 27 births have taken place. This study has the aim of finding out the actual situation of mortality and morbidity among the persons displaced by the floods of year 2012 in Nigeria with a view to improve management of displaced persons. This involved visits to affected areas and refugee camps and interviews of 240 selected victims and some care providers in four, out of 30, affected Nigerian States. Responses have been analysed using descriptive statistical techniques and results show that death and diseases are common attributes of the flood incidents in many parts of the country and this owes to failures of management system adopted by the country, poor contingency planning, poor social protection financing and lack of infrastructure.
Keywords: Nigeria, displaced persons, floods, mortality, morbidity.
Keywords: Nigeria, displaced persons, floods, mortality, morbidity.
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