Diarrhoea and Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) are two common causes of mortality and morbidity among children under five years in India. The paper explores the prevalence and determinants of these two diseases using NFHS-3 (2005-06) data. Prevalence of both these diseases is highest in the Eastern region of India. Step wise regression analysis at all India level reveals that time for getting water outside premises, type of house and crowding at household are major household environmental determinants of child diarrhoea. Probability of suffering from ARI is significantly more among those using unclean fuel. The likelihood of having ARI is considerably less in seasons other than winter. Chances of suffering from ARI in the East, Central and North-East India compared to the North Indian region are mainly due to household environmental variations. Regional differences are observed in determinants of two diseases in six geographic regions. Indian Five year plan must prioritize provision and improvement of basic needs like clean cooking fuel, proximity to water source and concrete housing structure to reduce childhood diseases.
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50 447
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Submitted by Aparajita.Chat… on