Background: The Katanga Province in the south-east of DRC covers an area of 496,877 square kilometers. The estimated population is over 11.462.290 out of 60% are under age of 25. Local authorities’ financial commitment to advance ICPD agenda is strong. Thus, UNFPA is enhancing national ownership and government initiative to increase access of adolescents and youth to RH information, counseling and services.
Objective: Support the provincial government ‘commitment to promote HIV prevention among adolescents & youth.
Strategy: Analyze the provincial budget and provide support where financial commitment is expressed. The entry point was 'Promoting HIV /Voluntary Counseling Testing (VCT)'.
Achievements: A free space was granted by the municipality for the construction of a multifunctional youth center financed by the “Fonds social” in partnership with the World Bank for a total cost of 421.000USD out of 10% was provided by UNFPA as part of youth community contribution.
Since its inauguration (August 2011), about 120 000 adolescents &youth were sensitized on HIV prevention methods; 4000 were HIV tested thanks to mobile VCT; 250 per day are using the services;20 peers’ educators trained in YFS; 14 young journalists in media techniques; youth health clubs in place in 15 schools with 1512 members (1150 boys, 362 girls).
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Event ID
Paper presenter
52 905
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by Jeannette.Danho on