Although sub-Saharan Africa does not contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, significant adverse impacts of climate change are anticipated in this region. Countries in West Africa, which are heavily dependent on rain-fed agriculture, are projected to experience more frequent and intense droughts, altered rainfall patterns and increases in temperature through the end of this century. The changes in climate pattern are likely to affect crop yields, thereby placing pressure on scarce resources in a region that is characterized by limited social, political, technical and financial resources. This paper assessed the preferred adaptation strategies during floods and droughts of males and females in three different occupations (farming, fishing and charcoal production). Findings are based upon an analysis of focus group discussions and ranking of preferred adaptation options in three communities in the Afram Plains of Ghana. Assessments of this nature should aid in the selection and implementation of adaptation strategies for communities and households, which is the level at which climate change adaptation is likely to occur in West Africa.
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Submitted by lucy.adzoyi-atidoh on