The paper has as objective to contribute to demonstrate the importance of population's studies and environment, to achieve that in all strategy and projection of the development politicians in the Caribbean have to be applied the holistic conception of the environment, the importance of the environmental knowledge and of the population like object of the development. It is fundamental to carry out the public politicians to face to the challenges of the environmental and sociodemographic vulnerabilities and the climatic change.
This investigation project, action and combined training of Population's Net and Environment of Population's Latin American Association and the Caribbean Studies Center University of Havana. The research of the perspective of the relationship population and environment was doing with like an holistic optics of the relationship university-society-nature for the local development. Were using system of methods of studies of compared cases of interrelating the vulnerabilities sociodemographic and environmental using systems of geographical information in the Caribbean as forms of adaptation to the impacts of the global climatic change. The results contribute to the formulation of recommendations of cooperation between actors and institutions involved in population and environment
This investigation project, action and combined training of Population's Net and Environment of Population's Latin American Association and the Caribbean Studies Center University of Havana. The research of the perspective of the relationship population and environment was doing with like an holistic optics of the relationship university-society-nature for the local development. Were using system of methods of studies of compared cases of interrelating the vulnerabilities sociodemographic and environmental using systems of geographical information in the Caribbean as forms of adaptation to the impacts of the global climatic change. The results contribute to the formulation of recommendations of cooperation between actors and institutions involved in population and environment
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