The study aimed at testing the hypothesis that quality of inter-spousal relationship significantly influences abortion risks in peri-urban Nigeria. The data is from the FHWS-2010 closed-cohort study of 784 couples residing in selected households in peri-urban communities in Osun State, Nigeria. Among the 621 women who reported ever been pregnant, 21.9% had experienced either induced or spontaneous abortion. The Cronbach's alpha for the 27 scale index of quality of relationship was 0.877. Two logistic regression models were performed to test the hypothesis. The results from the first model showed that two items on trust, one variables for marital-satisfaction and three for communication were significant predictors of abortion risk. The second model with the inclusion of other spousal variables showed that only one variable on trust, one from marital-satisfaction, one from communication and wealth status were significant in predicting abortion risk.
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Submitted by Akanni Ibukun… on