This paper broaches a field of intersection between cultural geography and demography. From the notion of territorialization and deterritorialization via migratory process, this article will discuss about the concept of Topophilia by Yi-Fu Tuan and its derivatives,
applied in Roraimense reality. This unit of the Brazilian federation, which delimits the spatial area of this paper, in recent decades experienced a strong population growth (about 40% of absolute population growth between 1980 and 2000) that finds in the migratory process and in the pioneers sources of economic appropriation of space important transformers agents of landscape. The imbalance of the ethnic composition of the state caused by immigration endangers the indigenous culture which sees the fast
appropriation of space by entrepreneurial activities often performed by immigrants, this being the main conflict to be considered on this paper. The migration previously served to reinforce the military conquests, asserting itself as an effective instrument of territorialization. The study developed on this paper, will serve to draw attention of government for silent spatial dynamics and stupendously fast, truly topocide forces and what puts at risk the indigenous cultures.
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54 655
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Submitted by leonardo.silve… on