To provide you with a better idea of the virtual Poster display options at IPC2021, below are examples of Poster Sessions from other conferences using the same platforms that IPC2021 will use: OpenWater and Gather.Town.  Note that all uploaded posters for IPC2021 should be PDF files in landscape orientation so that they can be posted and viewed in both the main Poster Gallery and the Gather.Town Poster Session Hall. (Instructions on dimensions will be provided later).

Main Poster Gallery in the virtual IPC2021 Conference:

IUSSP will be using the same virtual platform provider (OpenWater) as PAA did for their 2021 Annual Meeting and offer presenters similar features – the option to upload a short 1-2 minute video (this must be uploaded by 19 November) along with a PDF of the poster. The platform includes a Chat feature where attendees can write questions or comments for poster authors. The Open Water Platform does not, however, provide much else for interaction between poster authors and attendees, so we have decided to organize the live poster sessions in Gather.Town. These will take place in 90-minute slots organized to overlap with the 30-minute breaks between the regular oral sessions).



Example of a Poster from PAA 2021



Gather.Town Virtual Poster Sessions:

IPC2021 will offer a Gather.Town space for live Poster Sessions. Gather.Town best emulates the experience of attending an in-person poster session enabling discussion between authors and conference attendees. We will upload your PDF poster to an assigned poster slot in the Gather.Town Poster hall where it will be on display for the duration of the Conference. You will be expected to attend the 90-minute Live poster session which will take place in Gather.Town; these sessions will be listed and advertised to all Conference attendees. We hope this will draw people to this unique and fun space which facilitates informal and impromptu interactions. The space will also include meeting rooms and private meeting spaces.

To give you a better idea of how poster sessions will work in the IPC2021 Gather.Town space please find below links to videos from recent conferences that used Gather.Town for their poster sessions and some screenshots of a basic Gather.Town Poster Hall.  IPC2021 will have its own look but the navigation tools will be the same.

Gather.Town Poster Session Demo Videos: (Chemistry Conference) (Gecco 2021 Conference) CMAP-CEGS

Example of a basic Gather.Town Poster Hall. 


Click X on your keyboard to open the full poster