IPC2021 Call for Papers Tips
The IUSSP International Population Conference 2021 (IPC 2021) is a general population conference where research in all relevant areas and a wide range of disciplines is welcome. The organizers will create the scientific programme mainly from abstracts submitted to the Call for Papers. The Call is now open, and you should submit your abstract on or before 15 May 2021 deadline. Note that you can submit no more than 2 abstracts!
Before submitting, you will want to prepare in advance the following required information: • Full title, short abstract (200 words), extended abstract (2-4 pages). • Most appropriate conference theme (see list). • Optimal set of keywords (see list). • Authors and co-authors’ up-to-date affiliation and email.
Conference Themes There are 25 substantive conference themes: select the theme that is closest to your presentation topic. If you wish to present your paper in one of the in-person India Day sessions in Hyderabad, select "India Day" from the list of themes.
Keywords for reviewers Two anonymous reviewers will review every submission. To ensure that your abstract's reviewer has expertise in your field of study and is familiar with the methodologies used for your research, you should select appropriate keywords. Choosing several keywords will ensure that reviewers have expertise and interest in your papers' topic.
COVID-19 The pandemic and its impacts is a cross-cutting theme of the conference. Abstracts relating to any aspect of the pandemic are encouraged. Please submit the abstract to the most appropriate conference theme and then select "COVID-19" as one of the keywords.
Time zones Accommodating presenters’ different time-zones is a challenge. In the submission form, you should indicate the time-zone where you will be at the time of your presentation in December. If your presentation is selected, you will need to make yourself available for your session anytime between 08:00 and 20:00 hrs in your local time. You will also have the option to add earlier or later time slots, which will help organizers create interregional sessions across different time zones..
Recorded presentations All presenters for IPC 2021 should pre-record their presentation. The IUSSP PopPov virtual conference's experience demonstrated numerous benefits and no downsides. Sessions have fewer disruptions caused by internet connectivity. Presentations stay within time limits and are of better quality. As an added benefit, presenters are more relaxed and engaged in the session; they can even answer written Q&As during their presentation. Pre-recording a presentation also makes it easier to participate in a later or earlier time slot. The discussion and Q&A will be live, and a recording of the entire session (including the discussion) will be available on-demand for round-the-clock viewing. Theme Conveners will build coherent sessions based on submission reviews, and the timeslots presenters indicate they are available to present. Sessions, Flash Sessions, Poster Sessions
Most sessions will have four presentations of 12 minutes each, followed by discussion. For some topics, Conveners may create Flash sessions with more (6 or 7) shorter presentations to provide a broader range of perspectives. Poster sessions will include a pre-recorded 3-minute pitch-presentation for each poster. Poster authors will also have an assigned time slot to respond to questions by live-chat or video. Each theme will have a Poster session that includes highly-rated abstracts that conveners could not fit in an oral session and abstracts whose authors selected the "poster only" format. We look forward to your submissions by 15 May 2021. You will be notified by 15 September 2021 if your paper or poster is selected.
Abstract submissions step by step: To submit an abstract, you will need to complete 6 steps: | (1) enter a title (Sentence case: no CAPS except for first word and proper nouns.) | (2) add co-authors (If they are already in the database, please check their institutional affiliation and email. If they need updating, ask your co-authors to correct them on the website. — If you do not intend to present the paper yourself, please select the presenting author.) | (3) specify the presenting author's time zone (You can add additional time slots.) | (4) enter an abstract (200 words max - copy-paste.) | (5) select your theme and up to 4 keywords. (Check the lists beforehand. Check “Poster only” if you want to be considered only for a poster session.) | (6) upload your extended abstract (2-4 pages) (PDF or Word, 4Mb max. Do not submit a full paper.) |
All authors must submit abstracts online at http://ipc2021.popconf.org.